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Topic: Blessings

The Discipline of Reviewing

For all of the events that take place in our lives from day to day, month to month, and year to year, it’s important to take time to reflect, review, and ask God where He was working within these events and what He is doing through them. In the final message of 2017, Greg talks about the discipline of reviewing, … Read More 

Treasure: Spend it Well

God lovingly entrusts us with money, possessions, and resources. As followers of Christ we are called to surrender all our gifts to the Lordship of Christ. Because God is an other-oriented God who lovingly pours out blessings, and we are made in His image, then we too should be people who use our resources to bless others. Read More 

The True Tale of Two Brothers

The popular culture’s influence through media such as fairy tales, comic books, and movies has impacted how we understand stories from God’s word. For many, as we read popular Old Testament stories like Jacob and Esau we automatically look for a hero and a villain. We look for actions to imitate from the “good guy” and actions to avoid from the “bad guy.” Vanessa explores how this approach to biblical stories is misguided and gives context and insight to the complicated and messy, yet redemptive relationship between Jacob and Esau. Read More 

Twisted Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

This week in our Twisted Scripture sermon series Shawna Boren discusses with us the misuse of Jeremiah 29:11. We take a look at how the verse, when taken alone, can claim life is always good. The problem with this use of the verse is that life is not always good. Life delivers us times that bring suffering. This week we look at how this verse can be better understood. Read More 

Trading In Our Mud Pies

The Bible is filled with stories of God’s people being named and blessed by God. God gives his people a new name in order to give them a mission. Our guest speaker, Brianna Millet, teaches what it means for us to be given a new name through stories such as Abraham, Sarah, Jacob and Peter. Read More 


We all have times in our life where we go through the motions and don’t pay much attention to what’s going on around us. In this sermon, Greg reminds us to look and be thankful for the things in our lives. Read More 

Evangelism Reimagined

The ancient Israelites were called to be a chosen people who bless the entire world. But, like the Church today, they often made their chosen status a blessing only for themselves. In this sermon, Greg calls us to become evangelists by living a Kingdom life. Read More 

He Choo-Choo-Chooses You

We are God’s chosen people, predestined to be holy and blameless. But does God create and choose those who will be blameless and those he will blame? In this sermon, Greg shows how God does choose us but we also have the ability to choose him and get on board the predestined train. Read More 

The Blessedness of the Revolution

In the last week of our blessed revolution series, we revisit each of the beatitudes and see how we are blessed because of them. While the world may not count them as blessings, we can begin to see that the Kingdom will be a great blessing in the future. Read More 

The Dependent and Those Who Mourn

God designed us to get all of our life, worth and value from him. But when humanity signed our declaration of independence in the garden, we started to fill our lives with the things of this world. In this sermon, Greg calls us to become dependent on God in ways that might cause us to mourn. Additionally, Greg addresses the marriage amendment vote in Minnesota. Read More 

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin