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Topic: Controversial Issues

Dead Bones Arise

In this past weekend’s sermon, we take a birds-eye view of the prophets, and what they teach us about one of God’s most core values: taking care of the vulnerable.


In this weekend’s sermon, Greg closes our Crux of the Matter series by discussing the importance of zooming in on the hearts of people as we zoom out on our need to be right.

Kingdom Ambassadors

In the fourth installment of our Crux of the Matter series, where we’re looking at how to have difficult conversations with those we disagree with, Osheta furthers the discussion by inviting us to think about our everyday conversations as opportunities for peacemaking as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.

Creation Confusion

In our fifth and final installment of the Priest and Physicist Walk in to a Bar series, we examine how to frame the Genesis creation story with what we know about our history and the cosmos. Specifically, we examine the difference between dogma, doctrine, and opinion and where questions like “how God created” and “when did God create” fit in … Read More 

How God Shows Up

This weekend we welcomed guest speaker Shane Claiborne to share with us a reminder of what it should mean to us this advent season that Jesus came into our lives as a homeless outsider in a violent, unwelcoming world.

Finding the Word in the Words

Osheta continues our look at ‘loose ends’ of scripture that often get overlooked or dismissed because of their seeming exclusiveness and contradiction. This week’s installment examines Jesus’ comments about parables and why they were one of his key methods of teaching. At the heart of it all is the question of who the Kingdom of God is for, and what … Read More 

Baptism for the Dead?

This week we look at a passage that some Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons use a lot, 1 Corinthians 15:25-29, and we end up digging into the reasons for our belief in the divinity of Christ, as well as the Mormon practice of proxy baptism and our own practice of adult baptism.

Must We Submit To Government?

This week Greg taught on Romans 13, a Scripture that has been in the news recently when Attorney General Jeff Sessions used it as basis for why the American government is separating children from their families at the southern border. This passage, although helpful for us to understand how to respect the authority of earthly government in matters of polices, … Read More 

A Lethal Lord’s Supper

Today we started our new summer series called Loose Ends, which works to “make sense of the verses we skip”. Since we shared communion together this week, we focused on a strange verse related to communion — 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

Sure. Q&A

We wrapped up our Sure. sermon series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. The audio and video media files contain questions and answers from all three of our services on March 24/25, 2018.

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"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon