By telling a parable Jesus prophesied that he would be rejected and killed. Nevertheless, he also claimed he would be the cornerstone for the coming Kingdom of God. This was shocking to his followers and enraged the religious leaders of the time. Read More
God has given us the Holy Spirit as a “deposit” and guarantee of things to come. But we are expected to wisely invest this “deposit” in the world today. Read More
The disciples sometimes got in the way of people who were coming to Jesus. When this happened, Jesus had to correct the situation and go directly to the people seeking him. This happens today too when Christians and their agendas get in the way of people who simply need to be pointed to Jesus. Read More
In this section of Luke, Jesus gives four distinct teachings that on the surface seem unrelated. But when taken in context with each other, they highlight four different aspects of how we are to live in Christian community with one another.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the primary point is that information we have about God doesn’t do us any good if we don’t act on it. As Kingdom people, we must remember what this means for our own generosity. Read More
Jesus’ Kingdom is open to all of us, but he asks everything from those who follow him. This is a radical call to actually reorient our lives, which is much more than simply a willingness to do so if the circumstances present themselves. If we take these words of Jesus seriously, they will change our lives in ways we cannot predict. Read More
Is God’s presence merely something we expect to experience once a week during a church service? Or maybe even once a day during a time of prayer? The truth is that God’s presence pervades our life, but we are usually to distracted to notice. We are invited to experience God’s presence on a moment by moment basis in our daily lives. Read More
Some of Jesus’ words were very challenging to the people of his time, and for us. One of the traits that he gave strong warnings about was hypocrisy – when our “public” lives don’t match who we really are. Keeping these parts of our lives aligned is a major challenge and it almost always requires sacrifice. We don’t like to move outside our comfort zones, but it’s what is required if we want to partner with God to build his Kingdom. Read More
Up to this point in the story of Jesus, Jesus was the one who displayed the power of the Kingdom of God. At this point, Jesus charges the 12 disciples to do what he had been doing. The program given to the disciples follows a simple pattern: Do the Kingdom > Then Proclaim the Kingdom. Read More
Sound, wise teaching has no real effect in our lives if the teaching is not put into active, continuous practice. As we have seen throughout the “Sermon on the Plain” in Luke 6, Jesus lays out the demands and blessings of living as a disciple in the Kingdom of God. Jesus concludes his teaching with a challenge to his followers to embody his teachings and put them into living action. Read More