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Topic: Discipleship

Let’s Not Make-a-Deal

Salvation is usually defined as a distinct moment in time. It is a deal that we make with God to get out of hell. In this sermon, Greg talks about how salvation is so much more than a one-time deal, and there is something better behind curtain number 2 (guaranteed). Read More 

Rooted in the Nows

God is like an atmosphere around us. As much as the air we breathe is around us and in us, God surrounds and enfolds us. In this sermon, Greg talks about the importance of being aware of God in the everyday moments, and he gives some practical tips to help you walk in this awareness. Read More 

Continuing The Work Of Christ

For some Christians, the goal of salvation is escape from Hell. In Colossians, Paul talks about the glorious riches that are available to us in the here and now. And while being in Heaven is a great part of our relationship with God, it is not even close to the fullness that Jesus brings to our lives. Read More 

The Real Proof

What is the real evidence of a disciple of Jesus? Too often today we are told that followers of Christ are marked by success, happiness and power. However, the Bible points to a different evidence, that of love that comes under others and serves. Read More 

The Gospel of Suffering

Hebrews 5:8-9 says that Jesus “learned obedience through what he suffered” and “was made perfect”. If this was necessary for Jesus then followers of Jesus should expect the same. Read More 

The Betrothal Ceremony

Jesus orders us to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Baptism is the betrothal (similar to “engagement”) ceremony in our relationship to Christ. Read More 

The Stone The Builders Rejected

By telling a parable Jesus prophesied that he would be rejected and killed. Nevertheless, he also claimed he would be the cornerstone for the coming Kingdom of God. This was shocking to his followers and enraged the religious leaders of the time. Read More 

Air and Opportunity

God has given us the Holy Spirit as a “deposit” and guarantee of things to come. But we are expected to wisely invest this “deposit” in the world today. Read More 

Gatekeepers of the Royal Son

The disciples sometimes got in the way of people who were coming to Jesus. When this happened, Jesus had to correct the situation and go directly to the people seeking him. This happens today too when Christians and their agendas get in the way of people who simply need to be pointed to Jesus. Read More 

Don’t be Like the Pharisees

In this section of Luke, Jesus gives four distinct teachings that on the surface seem unrelated. But when taken in context with each other, they highlight four different aspects of how we are to live in Christian community with one another.

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise