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Topic: Discipleship

Confident Humility

Today, Dan Kent shared with us some ideas about how having a proper Jesus-centered definition of humility can free us in our relationships, and help us remain centered on Jesus, put people before politics, and create peace during these divisive times.

Choose the Kingdom Groove

This week Osheta invites us to re-evaluate the busyness of our culture and instead model our schedules and lives on the example of Jesus.

Generous Principles

In week three of our Nothing to Lose series Greg provides some guiding principles for living a life of generosity modeled after the example of the sacrifice and life of Jesus.

Judgment Seat of Christ

In previous weeks we discussed the evidence that our consciousness persists in the interim stage between death and resurrection. But what exactly goes on there, before resurrection? Are we made perfect and pure enough to enter the kingdom instantly, or do we have to continue our growth in Christ?

Why The Bible?

In Week 5 of our “Sure.” series (where we are honestly wrestling with challenges that our post-modern, post Christian, pluralistic culture presents to our faith), Greg addresses the (apparent) imperfections, errors, and contradictions in the Bible, and shows that they don’t distract from it being God-breathed… but contribute to it.

Move Together

During this final sermon in our Next Level Relationships series, Greg and Kevin have a conversation where we learn about the cycle of conflict. They discuss why we find it so easy to get pulled in, and more importantly, some tools from Jesus that we can use to short-circuit the cycle.

The Discipline of Reviewing

For all of the events that take place in our lives from day to day, month to month, and year to year, it’s important to take time to reflect, review, and ask God where He was working within these events and what He is doing through them. In the final message of 2017, Greg talks about the discipline of reviewing, … Read More 

We Battle Together

In today’s final sermon in the “Overcome” series, Greg discusses the last critically important key to overcoming temptation: Community.

Living in Resistance

We all struggle with temptation, and it begins in our mind. But how do we resist our own thoughts? In the second message of our “Overcome” series, Greg shows us how to see our enemy and understand his strategies, and then unpacks how to overcome them.

Failing Forward

The fear of failure affects so many of us. So deep is this fear that it has the capacity to keep us from saying yes the adventures into which God invites us. Failure is not a thing to be avoided, but rather a thing from which we can learn and grow. In this message, guest speaker Kris Beckert shares with … Read More 

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona