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Topic: Discipleship

The Hope That Changes The World

Waiting is really difficult, no matter who you are or what you’re waiting for. We see examples over and over in scripture of characters who waited well and others who struggled and tried to take things in to their own hands. In this message Seth explores what it means to wait in hopeful anticipation for Jesus’ coming this Christmas season. Read More 

The Spirit of the Disciplines

In this second installment of the Formed series, Seth explores what it is that holds us back as followers of Christ, or creates a gap between the person we want to be and know is inside of us and who actually are. We know that Jesus wants to give us an abundant life, but our reality is often one of spiritual scarcity and daily bondage to destructive ideas and behaviors. In this message we examine what it looks like to surrender our will and trust in our heavenly Father. Read More 

The Myth of Maturity

In this third installment of the Throughline series, Greg explores what it means to mature in the Christian faith and how that impacts our decision making. Read More 

Mixtape: Matthew 28:16-20

In this sixth installment of the mixed tape series, Seth shares his experience with the church’s call to make disciples of all the nations. As followers of Jesus, we are called on to learn and receive our Father’s heart so that not only will we know Him better, but so that we can express His heart for the broken world through our lives. Read More 

Mixtape: Acts 2:42-47

In this next installment of our Mixtape series, Seth McCoy explores the richness of the early church as described in Acts 2:42-47. The beauty of the early church is evident as we look at this passage and explore the spirit of this church and how that could affect the spirit of the church today. We also look at the myths of this early church as often perceived or romanticized today and breakdown any misconceptions that might get in the way of living out what God has for His church today. Read More 

Twisted Scripture: Matthew 7:7

Seth McCoy begins our Twisted Scripture series by discussing the topic of prayer by focusing on Matthew 7:7-11. This passage has a tendency to be misrepresented by our own cultural contexts that can distort the language of this passage into an individualistic prosperity gospel. It was argued that the ultimate goal of prayer is to ask, seek and knock in order to find the beauty of a life lived in submission to God and for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God. Read More 

I See Fire

Jeremy discusses other-centeredness and how our worldly definition of success differs from the Kingdom definition. He starts by examining the moment of clarity that we get when we “see fire,” or when emergencies arise – do we put on our own oxygen mask first, or do we take care of those around us first, at our own possible peril? The world (and airline safety speeches) tell us to take care of ourselves first, and only after that to worry about those around you. But Jesus tells us something different. Read More 

Knowing Her Role

Through the story of Mary and Martha, Brianna explores some affects of social norms and encourages each of us to embrace our unique role and mission in the kingdom. Read More 

The Good Shepherd

This week our guest speaker, Jeremy Jernigan, takes us through the historical view of shepherds as having a poor reputation and a despicable nature. Despite this, Jesus took on the identity of a shepherd, turning the image on its head and redeeming it. In Jesus, what we actually see shatters what we expected to see. Read More 

Active Stillness

Guest speaker Jeremy Jernigan takes us through the text in John 15 and describes what it means to remain in the vine and experience the vibrant life that Jesus desires us to have. The more we remain in the vine, the more closely we get to Jesus, and the more vibrantly we’ll experience life. Read More 

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"We listen to your sermons every week and love “Muse Days” with Dan and Shawna. You are a beacon of hope and leading us all in learning to be more like Jesus. Thank you for all of your wonderful service to the Lord! —Scott and Katie Spohn, Zach, Jacob and Valerie"

– Scott and family