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Topic: End Times

New Creation

In our sixth week of our sermon series, we shed a new vision on the Book of Revelation. Greg empowers the church to interpret the text through the non-violent, self-sacrificial love of Jesus. There should be a joy found in the hearts of the church—the bride of Christ—as we look forward to the final consummation of Jesus and the church. Read More 

Unveiling The Crypto-You

Our true self is hidden away in heaven, free from corruption and destruction. In this sermon, Greg asks us to realize what this true self looks like, and he calls us to embrace this true self in whatever ways we can in this life. Read More 

Heaven, Hell and the Resurrection Q&A Night

Our Heaven, Hell and the Resurrection Q&A with Greg and Paul was on Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Since the release of Love Wins by Rob Bell, there has been a lot of discussion about heaven and hell (especially in Christian circles). They thought it would be fun – and helpful – to unpack some different perspectives about the topics.

Left My Worries Behind

Jesus warned his disciples about the coming destruction of the temple. This prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD. Yet there are timeless truths to be found in this text regarding what it means to prepare for what lies ahead of us. Read More 

A Sudden End and New Beginning

As Christians, we often give a lot of attention to passages in the Bible that refer to Jesus’ return, but often only to speculate about the end of the world. Instead, we should use these teachings to reflect on how we live here and now. One specific application of this principle is making daily decisions that honor God’s creation.

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Free for All Q&A Night

On October 14, 2008, Greg and Paul tackled every question thrown at them at our Free For All Q&A.

The Return

Many well-meaning Christians speculate about the end of the world and the return of Jesus. The problem is that most of these perspectives vary greatly and can cause a lot of fear and stress. But when we hear Jesus’ teaching about the end of the world, he focuses us in a direction that is quite different than many of today’s popular ideas.

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Preparing a Highway for the Lord

John the Baptist’s role was to prepare the way for Jesus. The Church has a role that is similar to John’s: just as he prepared the way for Christ 2000 years ago, we too are to prepare the world for the second coming. We are to live today as though Jesus were coming back at any time. We don’t live the way the world lives. We are a part of a revolution. We invest in the Kingdom. We revolt against the status quo. We work to bring about the Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. And as we do this, we hasten the Lord’s return. Read More 

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"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon