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Topic: Fear

Trusting Dad

So many of us have a messed up view of God. We don’t understand how our Father in heaven loves us beyond imagination. Because we lack a clear picture of God’s love, we cling to this world and all of its concerns. Our lives can get consumed by worry. But when we see the reality of God’s love, this world’s problems are small by comparison.

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Ravens and Wildflowers

As a society, we’re extremely worried. Concern about countless issues pervades our lives: our relationships, our kids, terror attacks, global warming, pandemics, the economy, living the American Dream – if we’re not careful, this worry can consume us. Jesus provides us with the Kingdom alternative to worrying, and it’s surprisingly related to birds and flowers. Read More 

No Fear

Time is ticking away. Being alive in this world means that we are moving toward death, and to some degree that makes most of us afraid. That fear can drive us to many different sources of worldly security, but the good news (the Easter news!) is that no one needs to live in fear. Read More 

Just Do It

There comes a time in everyone’s life where the wine runs out, when the excitement ends, life turns out to be less than you thought it would be or your accomplishments feel empty. Based on John 2:1-11, the questions that were raised are, “What will you do?” “Where do you go?” and “Who do you turn to?” Mary shows us that in a crisis the person you want there and to whom you turn is Jesus. Read More 

The Foundation of Wisdom

Jesus is the perfect, sinless human being who models what human existence in God’s kingdom should look like. He demonstrates a life of increasing growth and learning in the ways of God. Jesus lived a life where he learned from his life experiences and gained insights into what life is really all about…all to God’s glory. As we live like Jesus, we are to have lives where we, too, increase in growing in wisdom. Read More 

Holding the Hope

In our world today, we are exposed to so many things that can cause us to be worried or anxious. Yet, in Christ we have hope that this life is not all that there is. In Christ we can have hope and know that he can bring peace into our lives, even in the midst of living within a terrifying … Read More 

Fear Not – It’s Good News

Like the shepherds whom the angel of the Lord spoke to, God wants us to know that we do not need to be afraid of Him. His character in the person of Jesus Christ displays His love for us. The message of His love is good news! Out of this abundant relationship with Jesus, comes a desire to share this good news with others. Read More 

Fearing the Untamed God

We read in different parts of the Bible that we are to fear God, but what does that mean? Many people live in a state of constant fear that God will reject them or cause them harm if they act or think in certain ways. This is not what the Bible means by fearing God. But fearing God doesn’t mean nothing. In our culture, God has become so common that he is no longer sacred. People act without any regard for what God thinks. What then is a proper understanding? It is true that God did become one of us, taking on human flesh. But if all we see is the intimate God, he becomes too “nice” and too “tamed” to be worthy of worship. Read More 


Kingdom Fearlessness

This message was about the rampant fear pumping through the veins of our society. Even though America is one of the safest countries in the world, we have more fear than most other nations! But as followers of Christ, we are instructed not to worry (Matt. 6:25, 32-33, etc.). Instead, we have received a spirit of adoption, not slavery. We are God’s children, so there is no need to fear anything in this world. If our hearts and treasure are with the kingdom of God, then we should live without fear of anything in this world. Read More 

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