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Topic: Holy Spirit

God Wants To Talk

In the Bible, prophecy refers to much more than simply foretelling events of the future. According to 2 Peter 1:21 any time the Holy Spirit uses a person to speak the truth it is considered prophecy. Read More 

Who Wants to Pray… Honestly?

We often pray most honestly and faithfully when we are facing difficulties of some kind. The challenge is to pray like this in our daily lives. Read More 

The Life You Always Wanted

Kevin Johnson shared some experiences he’s had with “strategies” for personal transformation. None of these strategies by themselves are good enough if we don’t have a basic openness to God’s leading. Read More 

Air and Opportunity

God has given us the Holy Spirit as a “deposit” and guarantee of things to come. But we are expected to wisely invest this “deposit” in the world today. Read More 

Dove Power

The heart of God’s kingdom is revealed in Jesus Christ as being a unique, holy and beautiful kingdom. Jesus did not come as great ruler, who cast judgment upon humanity and used his power over others. Instead, he came as a humble servant who ultimately sacrificed his life for us so that we could be forgiven of our sins and … Read More 

Living “Under the Influence”

Jesus’ kingdom-bringing life was so powerful because Jesus was continually being guided by the Holy Spirit. In the same way, it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus’ followers can demonstrate the beauty of God’s kingdom. As we seek to remove “clutter” from our busy lives, we can experience more and more of the Holy Spirit’s transforming influence daily. Read More 

Calling Down Fire

The kingdom of God revolution is all about revealing God’s radical love and “good news” to the world. A central aspect to this kingdom is the Spirit of God operating within believers in empowerment and comfort. It is the first thing that John the Baptist mentions about Jesus and his ministry… “He (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit … Read More 

Filled with Fire and Power

The discussion about the filling of the Holy Spirit, is nothing if not controversial. There are those who make this the linchpin of the church, while other run from it and steer clear of any discussion about it. To attain some biblical understanding of the filling of the Holy Spirit, we will look at three questions. Question #1: Is the infilling of the Spirit distinct from simply believing? Question #2: What is the evidence of the infilling of the Spirit? Question #3: What does the infilling of the Holy Spirit do? Read More 

Participating in the Trinity

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit when she was greeted by Mary, the mother of Jesus. To be filled or immersed in the Holy Spirit is a phrase often quoted, but what exactly occurs when we experience this filling? The role of the Holy Spirit is to connect our spirits with the divine nature so that we actually participate with God in His life. The goal of discipleship is to see yourself as you really are. See yourself as defined by Christ, as participating in God’s self-relationship, the divine nature. When this is your self-image, all other sources of self-esteem become petty. Read More 

The Dancing Spirit

When Mary greeted Elizabeth, she was filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the central characteristics of the Kingdom Jesus inaugurated is that people would be immersed in the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is not a sub-diety; He is the third person of the Trinity, three persons but one God. There are five biblical facts that substantiate the reality of the Trinity: 1.The Bible names that Father as God. 2.The Bible states that the Son is God. 3.The Bible also refers to the Holy Spirit as God. 4.The Father, Son and Spirit interact with one another. 5.The Bible makes it clear that there is only ONE God. Read More 

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin