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Topic: Kingdom of God

The Devil’s Chaplain

God is love, and our job is to receive and replicate that love. This means that it is crucial that we rightly perceive what God’s love actually looks like, something that some find challenging in the midst of creation that is overrun by violence. How then do we reconcile the nature of God’s love when nature itself seems to point … Read More 

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

In this week’s message, Osheta continues our look at the biblical narrative themes of covenant and kingdom by using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide. Jesus’ own creative and kingdom focused practice that he gave us so that we can grow in our Kingdom literacy. By praying the Lord’s Prayer regularly, we reinforce the values of the Kingdom in our … Read More 

All Things New In Christ

In this week’s message, Dan continues our look at the biblical narrative themes of covenant and kingdom in the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. After his baptism and before the start of his ministry, Jesus was tempted in three very important ways by Satan. In this message we learn how Jesus inserts himself in to the biblical narrative … Read More 

Covenant Redemption

As we continue our Long Story Short series through the lens of covenant and kingdom, in this message we explore the connection between relationship and responsibility in the story of the Isarelites making a golden calf for worship while Moses is on Mt. Sinai. It’s all too easy for us to get impatient and lose trust in what we can’t … Read More 

Trouble In Paradise

In the second part of our Long Story Short series Greg takes a look at what happens when Adam and Eve disobey God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and what universal lessons we can learn from them about who we were originally designed to be. Life in the Kingdom revolves around trusting God … Read More 

Bible DNA

Today we started out our new series called Long Story Short, where we will go through the whole bible book by book, looking at the key stories through the lens of Kingdom and Covenant. David started us out at the beginning in Genesis 1 and 2, to explore where the themes of covenant and kingdom show up and what they … Read More 

Stunning Victory

Why did Jesus have to die? Why does the resurrection matter? What, if anything, actually hinges on believing Jesus was crucified and literally rose from the dead three days later? In this Easter message we explore these questions and other implications in believing and living out a resurrection centered faith.

Kingdom Ambassadors

In the fourth installment of our Crux of the Matter series, where we’re looking at how to have difficult conversations with those we disagree with, Osheta furthers the discussion by inviting us to think about our everyday conversations as opportunities for peacemaking as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.

The Self-Righteous Mind

This past weekend, Greg opened up our new series with 1 Corinthians 16:14 – “Let all that you do be done in love.” We discuss how to be Kingdom people in dealing with difficult conversations on controversial topics, all while keeping Jesus at the center.

Just Living

Although all sins in some ways are equal before God, there is something particularly evil and destructive about the dehumanizing effects of racism. Martin Luther King Jr. has by in large been secularized in popular culture as a nice man who wanted us all to get along, but this is an unfortunate caricature of a man whose core foundational trust … Read More 

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– Jonathan