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Topic: Parenting

Beyond the Mirror

Our understanding of God is often controlled by our projections upon him. How, then, do we actually attain a more accurate picture of who he actually his? This sermon seeks to address this question by helping us think through our experiences of parenting and how those experiences influence our view of God’s nature.

The Hug

Two sermons in one today: Part 1: How does children’s reliance on technology affect their ability to use their imaginations? And part 2: Looking at the Botham Jean “hug felt around the world” and how we might be stuck in a silo and not even know it.

House Rules

As we continue our series in Colossians, we navigate a difficult teaching that was used to make a case that slavery was OK with God. In this sermon, Greg shows how this passage was a cultural teaching designed to teach about relationships that were never meant to promote slavery. Read More 

Abba and Abasi

It takes a community to raise a child. Yet, in our modern world, we’ve set the standard that parenting should only be done by the biological parents. This separation of family from community is a tactic of the devil. In this sermon, Greg gives some principles of parenting in today’s world. Read More 

Honoring Your Mom, Dad and Your Father

Honoring your father and mother is an ancient command found in nearly every religion. Yet, families vary from person to person, and it can be difficult to honor some parents. In this sermon, Greg talks about how to honor your parents by forgiving them and assessing the reality of the relationship. By doing these two things, people can honor their parents in healthy ways. Read More 


Kingdom Parenting, Part 2

Greg reviewed the main points from last week which were: individually, we all need to “get a life.” By this he means we need to get out life from Christ so that we are operating out of a fullness, rather than a deficit. Then as couples, we need to get a life together! One of the best things parents can do for their children is to model what it is for parents to love one another and have a rich, vibrant life together. This week Greg focused on a third principle. Breaking the domino effect of generational curses through the power of forgiveness. Read More 


Kingdom Parenting

This week’s sermon is entitled “Kingdom Parenting.” Greg kept our eyes on Luke 1:13-17 and pointed out that there is a prophecy being fulfilled here that might escape our attention if we read through this passage too quickly. It is found in verse 16 that John will “turn the hearts of the parents to their children” which echoes what was stated in Mal. 4:5-6. The focus of today’s message is what does it mean to be “kingdom parents”? Read More 


Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget

Thorsten Moritz, a Bethel Seminary professor, opened with this challenging question: “Are we prepared to live ‘creationally’ (in tune with the Creator) in a world of idolatry?” Focusing primarily on child adoption throughout the message, Moritz wondered if the abandonment of the world’s waiting orphans experience is the result of this idolatry. It reveals, he argued, that people are operating with the wrong priorities. How prepared are we to be the primary tool of God’s recovery of this fallen creation? Just as God adopted us, shouldn’t we (biblically) adopt others? Read More 


"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom