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Topic: Peace

The Crystal Sea

In John’s vision in Revelation 4, he sees a sea of glass, which represents peace. What does this vision of peace mean for life when we are surrounded by chaos, evil and the constant barrage of all that is not peaceful? This vision of peace came before the final victory of sin and death. This peace is our inheritance in … Read More 

Marching On

Faith is about capturing a vision of what can be and having a conviction that stirs up action to move toward it. This faith also pertains to the pursuit of racial reconciliation. God has a dream for racial reconciliation that has not yet been fully realized, but as we see God’s vision, we can put our weight toward it, leaning … Read More 

A Different Kind of Hope

The world around us is wrought with pain and suffering. Amidst this reality it can often be difficult to find a sense of hope. To fully appreciate the incomprehensible glory that is going to be revealed to us, we first need to appreciate the full magnitude of the sufferings of this present age. As we engage with the painful news … Read More 

Where Love and Justice Kiss

This panel discussion addresses practical issues that pertain to Jesus’ teaching on enemy love.

Learning to Love Your Enemy

Jesus’ teaching style draws you in with something you “think” you know, and then just turns it on its head. He was literally challenging the common thinking of the day.

Jesus’ Third Way Response to Evil

How do we respond to evil? There are three options: We can respond in kind, we can cower to it, or we can opt for Jesus’ third option. This sermon explores the third option and challenges us to combat the evil of our world by offering an unexpected response.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like… A Sunday Night Dress Up Meal?

When we pray “as it is in heaven,” what does this actually mean? What are the characteristics of heaven? This sermon addresses this question by identifying the Kingdom as radically forgiving, radically welcoming and radically peaceful. 

Radically Righteous

In this sermon, Tara Beth Leach provides insight into Jesus’ practical teaching regarding what it means to live in righteousness and reconciliation with others.

Say Hello to Anger

In this sermon, Greg provides a recap to his teaching from last week and then invites a panel of three to provide input and practical direction to the role that anger might play in our lives.

A Farewell to Anger

Jesus taught that being angry or insulting another person leads to the same consequences as murdering them. This is a radical Kingdom teaching that goes beyond an examination of our behaviors. It focuses on our hearts.

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"Thank you all the way from Oregon. I deeply appreciate being shepherded by Pastor Greg and everyone else on the panels. You are a rare find in the church nowadays. Tackling tough questions with humility and a kingdom perspective. It has been life changing for me in such tumultuous times."

– Heather, from Oregon