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Say Hello to Anger

• Greg Boyd
Guest Panelists: Kevin Callaghan, Osheta Moore, Lambers Fisher

In this sermon, Greg provides a recap to his teaching from last week and then invites a panel of three to provide input and practical direction to the role that anger might play in our lives.

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Jesus fulfills the law not by following every rule that has been listed but by fulfilling its intention, which is love. Fulfilling the law is not about focusing on external actions but about living out other-oriented love that flows from our inner being. This is why Jesus is referring to the attitude that one has about others here in this passage. It’s not enough to only refrain from murdering another person. Our inner poster toward others will define the way that we love others.

Therefore, we must take our inner world as seriously as we do our outer world. We must examine out attitudes toward others to assess how we view the worth of others so that we might cultivate an attitude of love that flows out in love action.

After Greg sets the stage by providing a recap of last week’s sermon on these verses, he invited a panel of three people, including Kevin, Osheta and Lambers to discuss this passage further. Some could take last week’s message, which was entitled “Farewell to Anger” as a call to sweep anger under a rug so that one does not have to deal with it. The panel addresses this danger and speaks to the healthy role that anger can play.

Instead of ignoring the emotions related to anger, we must recognize our feelings of anger as one might pay attention to the warning signs on a dashboard of a car and develop a sense of curiosity so that we can understand why we are feeling the way we do. Then this can lead us to respond appropriately to the situation so that the anger does not turn into attitudes and actions that are harmful to others.

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Topics: Discipleship, Peace

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount, Change of Heart

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The MuseCast: March 16

Focus Scripture:

  • Matthew 5:21-23

    You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.

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2 thoughts on “Say Hello to Anger

  1. David Proehl says:

    Thank you for the follow up Q&A! One thing that is confusing me is the parallel between anger and lust. If Jesus said lust = adultery and anger = murder, how is it that it is ok to use anger as a noun as long as we don’t “verb” it to murder but it is not to ok to use lust as a noun as long as we don’t “verb” it to adultery?

    I felt like there were a lot of opinions, but I didn’t hear much scripture to back them up. There was one scripture example of the guard’s ear being cut off and Jesus saying not to use violence, but at the same time Jesus didn’t say the anger was ok. To contrast, Greg’s sermon had a lot of Biblical backing.

    I think my main question is that I’m struggling to connect how similar Jesus’ similar teachings on anger and lust can be interpreted so differently and that be the correct interpretation.

    Thanks in advance for helping me understand!

    1. Kameron says:

      I would contend that lust is also a verb in the context. There is a natural human feeling of attraction which would be the ‘noun’ then lust would be the subsequent ‘verb’. Perhaps there is a missing natural prerequisite step of attraction as a noun in your comparison of the two. Verb+verb ≠ noun+verb

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