Our Summer Get-Together is coming up, August 9-11! Get all the details!

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Topic: Relationships

Your People Will Be My People

The book of Ruth speaks to our deep desires for faithful living, along with specific issues regarding faithfulness in the midst of the struggles of the pandemic. In this sermon, we hear the call to faithfulness and explore what it means.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

God created us to live in love for others, however, we fall short of this reality. In this sermon, David explores three barriers to loving others: religion, political affiliations and hurry. Addressing these three barriers will not only change your experience of love with others, but also it will change how you love God.

Barriers to Love

In this sermon, Shawna sits down with Kevin as he explains, more in depth, Attachment Theory: How we experience love, and our relationships with God and others, through a pattern of attachment developed in us as a child. Understanding this can help us see both our natural tendencies in relationships, as well as areas in which we need to experience … Read More 

Peacemakers Behind the Pixels

As we continue our Interface series, this week Osheta explores how a Kingdom minded person can engage with social media as a peacemaker and avoid the pits of binary either-or thinking. The medium and anonymity of online life creates a temptation to leave behind self-control and humility in exchange for judgment and unsolicited advice. In this message, we look at … Read More 

Sharing or Selling?

Like many things, social media has such incredible power for good, but also an incredible power for evil. One way that this evil is manifested is through the temptation of presenting ourselves only at our best in order to get LIFE from social media approval. What is the Kingdom response to this temptation?

Expecting God.

Today with David, we looked at God’s desire for encouragement and what kind of posture we should have in encouragement. He looks closely at the nostalgia of the Israelites when the temple was rebuilt and how it keeps us from seeing the ways God wanted to encourage them in the present rebuilding.

Show Me Where It Hurts.

Today Sandra shared with us a real-life example of her brother’s story, and what to do, and what not to do, when confronted by someone else’s discouragement. 

Wonderfully Unorthodox

In this weekend’s Palm Sunday service, Greg felt led to continue and expand on his message of loving people and losing labels. The brain needs repetition to really get something, and this message is so foundational to the kingdom, that it is worth continuing.


In this weekend’s sermon, Greg closes our Crux of the Matter series by discussing the importance of zooming in on the hearts of people as we zoom out on our need to be right.

Blended Q&A

We wrapped up our Blended sermon series with a Q&A hosted by Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger and Kevin Callaghan. The audio and video media files, as well as the YouTube video, contain questions and answers from all three of our services on November 24/25, 2018.

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona