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Topic: Relationships

Twisted Scripture: Matthew 6:14-15

Today Brianna explores the concept of forgiveness that is so central to the Kingdom. Is it a condition of God’s forgiveness of us? Or is his forgiveness unconditional no matter what? And if his love is unconditional, does that mean it doesn’t matter whether we forgive others or not? Read More 

I Can Relate

This week, Brianna Millett addresses how we are to respond to the “mixed signals” we get from the multitude of competing viewpoints in our modern world. How do we state our beliefs effectively? And what does the Bible teach about sharing the Gospel with unbelievers? Read More 

Dear Abby

In our sixth week of Heart Smart our team of panelists read and responded to Dear-Abby-style letters about difficult relational situations from members of the church community. For each letter, they gave advice on how to approach the problem from a Kingdom point of view. Read More 

Tough to Love

Learning how to love the people in our life that we find challenging to deal with is often very difficult. This week in Heart Smart we look at some biblical examples and instructions on how to do love our enemies in the same way we love our friends. Read More 

Baby Steps

Forgiveness is central to who God is and how he loves us. In week four of Heart Smart we look at the process of taking baby steps towards both receiving forgiveness and extending it to others. Read More 

She Said, He Heard

The topic for our third week in the Heart Smart series is communication. Communication is the essence of all relationships and as such, it is a very important aspect of who we are as image bearers of Christ. We should see communication as a Kingdom activity worth learning to do well. Read More 

Brain Reign

In our second week of Heart Smart we look at the New Testament teaching on reigning over the relational brain. Understanding how God wired our brains can help us to learn how to take our thoughts captive to Christ. Read More 

Hunger Games

We begin a new series this week on emotional intelligence and the roles this plays in our relationship. This week we take a look at the role Jesus plays in our relationships and the importance of letting Christ be the source of where we fulfill our need for love. Read More 

Trading In Our Mud Pies

The Bible is filled with stories of God’s people being named and blessed by God. God gives his people a new name in order to give them a mission. Our guest speaker, Brianna Millet, teaches what it means for us to be given a new name through stories such as Abraham, Sarah, Jacob and Peter. Read More 

House Rules

As we continue our series in Colossians, we navigate a difficult teaching that was used to make a case that slavery was OK with God. In this sermon, Greg shows how this passage was a cultural teaching designed to teach about relationships that were never meant to promote slavery. Read More 

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"I have found, in you, a place where the preached word profoundly resonates with my own recent journey of faith and has cemented a new way of thinking, I suppose like jigsaw pieces falling into place. I am grateful that a friend pointed me in your direction."

– Elaine, from the United Kingdom