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Topic: Satan

The Great Deception

In this sermon, Greg Boyd focused on the part of John’s vision that no one is worthy to open the scroll. The reason is due to the fact that humanity has been deceived and therefore does not align with the character of God. Greg ties this passage to the deception of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 and then he … Read More 

Enemy-occupied Territory

Satan plays a main role in the book of Revelation. This sermon introduces who Satan is and his origin. It also addresses the primary tactics Satan uses and how we can combat and overcome them.

Does Everything Happen For a Reason?

How do we understand the problem of evil and its relationship to God’s work in the world? The common perspective is that God causes evil, but Greg offers an alternative view.

Revolting Against the Powers

We primarily think about the problems we face today in terms of individualism, pointing fingers at persons who are making bad choices. However, the Bible speaks of the struggle against systemic issues, what are called “principalities and powers” that shape the structures of how we live. The unique call of Kingdom people is to focus our struggle against these systems, … Read More 

All Things New In Christ

In this week’s message, Dan continues our look at the biblical narrative themes of covenant and kingdom in the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. After his baptism and before the start of his ministry, Jesus was tempted in three very important ways by Satan. In this message we learn how Jesus inserts himself in to the biblical narrative … Read More 

Warfare Hospitality

In today’s sermon, Greg gives us one strategy for outrageous, radical Kingdom hospitality: engage in spiritual warfare to resist Satan’s designs to hold grudges with one another and destroy healthy relationships.

Living in Resistance

We all struggle with temptation, and it begins in our mind. But how do we resist our own thoughts? In the second message of our “Overcome” series, Greg shows us how to see our enemy and understand his strategies, and then unpacks how to overcome them.

The Declaration of Independence

In this second installment of the Cage Free series, Greg explores the connections between truth and lies, behavior, and our trust in God to meet our innermost needs of security, worth, and significance. Getting free of the bondages that cage us requires examining everything in our life through the lens of Jesus. Deception is the main tool of Satan, so ultimately it is the truth that sets us free. Read More 

Twisted Scripture: The Book of Job

The Book of Job has often been misused as a way to explain the mysterious ways of God in suffering and pain. The truth is that the Book of Job is there to teach us that God does not inflict pain and suffering, rather it is the cosmic warfare that we cannot see which interferes with God’s true will for his people. Read More 

The Sting

While we know that Jesus saves us from Satan and the cost of sin, we can’t always articulate how it happened. In this sermon, Greg shows us how God outwitted the enemy and completely destroyed every piece of ammunition that Satan has against us. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills family, thank you so much for everything you all do. My life is blessed by your teaching and technology. I know there are so many behind the scenes people. "

– Denise