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With a Grateful Heart 2023

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Date: Friday, November 17
Time: 7pm
Location: Gathering Area

As the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons approach, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take time for reflection and gratitude. That’s why each year we set aside time in our schedules to come together and praise God with songs and creativity.

With a Grateful Heart is a cozy, family-friendly event with worship, warm drinks and delicious pie! Think coffee house vibes featuring musicians and artists from within our Woodland community.

All are welcome – kids, too! Back in Heroes Gate, they’ll have their own lil’ version of Grateful Heart which will include worship, games, and plenty of arts & crafts (art smocks will be provided, but arts & crafts can get messy, so dress your child accordingly)! Make sure to hold a spot for your kiddo(s) here!

Bring a friend or make some new connections at the event. Either way, by the end of the night, we’ll all depart with full hearts. We hope you’ll join us! wh-bug

One thought on “With a Grateful Heart 2023

  1. Kathy Collett says:

    We plan to attend! Sounds wonderful!

    Thank you!!!

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