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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Pressing on in 2004

• Greg Boyd

94% of all New Year's resolutions fail. Bringing about permanent change in the way we think and live is very difficult. Yet the Bible says we are to be continually changing into the likeness of Christ. In this message Greg discussed how we can work with God to bring about permanent change in our lives.

The Star of Bethlehem

• Greg Boyd

What was it about the star in the sky that convinced the Magi that a king (THE king) had been born in Judea? In his Christmas Eve message, Greg examined the astrological significance this star held for the Magi and showed how modern astronomy confirms the biblical account.

Letting God into Your Box

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg again focused our attention on the story of the Magi from the east (Mt 2:1-11). God was willing to “get in the box” with these astrologers, to “speak their language” as it were, even though it required that God suspend his ethical opinions about their way of life. God's love for astrologers was greater than his hatred for astrology.

The Free-for-All God

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg discussed the familiar story of the three wise men in Matthew 2. As it turns out, there were not three of them, they were not wise by biblical standards and they were not kings, as has been assumed by many over the generations. So what is going on here?

Communion and Holiness

• Donna Stoesz

During this service we participated in communion and had an opportunity for people to receive prayer and healing. Donna Stoesz, one of our prayer warriors here at Woodland Hills, led us into this time of renewal and restoration.

Joy Corkers

• Greg Boyd

Recently Greg has been speaking about the Joy of the Lord and how we are intended to participate in that joy. This week’s sermon addressed two common ways that joy can be “corked” and restricted in our lives. The first is the “Savior Complex” and the second is the “Payback Complex.” Both complexes rob us of the joy that God intends for us.

A Brightly Colored Shirt

• Kevin Johnson

This week Kevin Johnson, our Community Pastor, brought a powerful message dealing with our hearts. He described the “heart” as the center of human existence, where our human abilities to love, marvel, and dream reside. We are able to experience events and truths deeply in profoundly empathetic ways. In this way the heart really demonstrates the truth of our being created in God’s image.

Zooming Out

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg talked about a problem that we all experience: joylessness. We read in Scripture that God is joyful and he desires for us to experience joy too! We need to experience the Joy of the Lord if we are to live an empowered spiritual life in Christ. Joy strengthens us to endure the difficulties of life here and now.

How Beautiful

• Greg Boyd

Greg's sermon this week was a reflection on several texts with a guiding theme of “overcoming duplicity.” To work toward overcoming duplicity we need to ask the following set of questions: What is duplicity? How can it be overcome? What replaces it?


• Greg Boyd

It is important to note that Greg tied this discipleship series to our church's Vision Statement. We are called by God for a purpose, part of which is being discipled into spiritually empowered people. In this message Greg explored how we can guard our hearts. We cannot “will” to feel differently about things, but we CAN change how we think and represent things in our minds. Our feelings will follow.
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"I'm so thankful to have found the podcasts in the last couple of months! The Lord has really been using them to encourage me and my family! "

– Mindy, from Georgia