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[Crap] Happens

Mar 13 2011 • Greg Boyd

Why God, why? This may be the most repeated prayer in history. Most people have said it at one point or another, if only under their breath. Why sickness? Why suffering? Why doesn’t God respond to my prayers? Why do I struggle so much? Honest questions like these deserve honest answers. During our [Crap] Happens series, we’ll explore these questions together to find victory in the midst of the [Crap] of life.

An “Identity in Christ Handout” was referenced in some of these sermons, you can download that here.

Downloadable Series Booklet

Sermons in this series:

[Church] Happens

• Greg Boyd

Jesus’ Church has done a lot of bad things throughout history. Whether it was wars or various forms of torture, people have misused the idea of Church. In this sermon, Greg speaks about the different issues surrounding the Church’s history, and he submits a few ideas about how to deal with this type of crap happening.

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Humility, Kingdom of God

[Sin] Happens

• Greg Boyd

We all have habitual sins that seem to plague us around every turn. Whether it’s gossip, lust, greed, or envy, we all falter in one place or another. Instead of wishing for deliverance, God asks us to work at our sins in order to become the people he created us to be.

Topics: Disciplines, Problem of Evil, Sin

[Unfairness] Happens

• Greg Boyd

Sometimes life appears to be completely random and arbitrary, especially when it comes to fairness. It can be bad things happening to good people or good things happening to bad people. In this sermon, Greg shows us that even though crap isn’t a part of God’s perfect plan doesn’t mean God doesn’t have a perfect plan for crap.

Topics: Blessings, God's Will, Justice

[Suffering] Happens

• Greg Boyd

In this world, there is a lot of suffering. Even as Christians, we sometimes ask “Is God even in control?” In this sermon, Greg addresses how we react to suffering and also how God is in control of the situation. He ends with some practical advice on how to follow God amidst suffering.

Topics: Pain & Suffering, Power, Problem of Evil


"I was inspired during my recent visit to your church, and wanted to thank you for the notable work you are accomplishing in the city. Thank you for being Holy Spirit first responders to the homeless and downtrodden. May God continue to show himself strong as you represent Christ daily."

– Kathy