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Topic: Blessings

Here’s My Heart

In a world full of false messages, we need to hear God’s truth, specifically the truth about who we are as God’s children. This is not merely hearing factual truths about our identity, but opening our hearts to receive God’s truth, which means we must let go of things in our hearts that hinder these truths from sinking in.

The Liturgy of Abundance

Scarcity drives common daily experiences in our world, yet God invites us to trust his ability to abundantly provide. In this sermon, Osheta Moore offers us a liturgy of abundance so that we can embrace God’s abundance in the midst of scarcity.

The Moon vs. The Porch Light

In a world where violence is promoted as the solution to conflict, Jesus teaches us that God’s children are to be those who live in and offer peace.

The Woe Road

In Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount, he includes Jesus’ teaching on those who have embraced idols and are not blessed as they are on the path of woe. This sermon addresses what these “woes” mean and how we can fight against the woe road.

Yard Signs and Yearning

Our world offers continual distractions that overwhelm us and keep us from purity of heart, and therefore hinder our sight of God. To have purity of heart is to have a single-minded focus on one thing, the one thing that matters.

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

In the midst of a culture of perpetual judgment, God has called the church to be a people of mercy. We will receive mercy to the degree that we offer mercy, and judgment to the degree that we judge.

What Do You Hunger and Thirst For?

God created us with a homing device in our souls which causes us to hunger for LIFE that can only be filled through our connection with him. However, we too often fall into the trap of hungering and thirsting after idols that leave us empty and leave us restless.

Good Mourning

Jesus taught that those who mourn are blessed. This occurs as the people of God know how things should be and set God’s beauty in contrast to the ugliness of the world. And thus, we mourn for God to come and bring his deliverance.

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

The Sermon on the Mount opens with a teaching on being poor in spirit, which refers to an attitude one has before God. It means not being self-reliant, but broken and dependent upon God for life.

Generous Principles

In week three of our Nothing to Lose series Greg provides some guiding principles for living a life of generosity modeled after the example of the sacrifice and life of Jesus.

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"I really can't emphasize enough how much of a blessing WH has been to my wife and me. WH is the one place I feel comfortable to ask the “forbidden questions” and not feel like a heretic. God has used y'all to truly bless our lives."

– Jonathan