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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Party Crasher

• Greg Boyd

We continue our short series on Women on the Outside this week by looking at the moving story of a prostitute who anoints the feet of Jesus with perfume and how we can learn much from how Jesus saw and responded to that woman.

Topics: Gratitude, Identity in Christ, Role of Women

Not This Woman

• Abe Johnson

In this third installment of the Women on the Outside series, we explore the story of a Phoenician woman Jesus encountered while with His disciples in the Tyre and Sidon region. We discuss how Jesus held the challenge and beauty of His mission as first the rescuer of the nation of Israel with His overall mission and call to make disciples of all nations.

Topics: Conflict, Faith, Role of Women

My Friend Gail

• Brianna Millett

This week we kick off our new series, Women on the Outside, with the story of the woman healed from sickness and how it relates to our role in God's Kingdom.

Topics: Faith, Healing, Role of Women

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"Your gift of the website to those of us who are unable to attend is greatly appreciated. I am disabled and home-bound now. Having your website available to me has been such a blessing."

– Renae