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65+ Group Update

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Back in April, we shared how the 65+ group had transitioned to an online group. We decided to check back in and hear how things were going.

At first there were some technical issues making the switch, but soon members settled into a routine with three main activities:

  • Potluck in Place, first Sunday of the month.
  • Sunlight and Coffee devotional time, Tuesdays at 9am.
  • Games like Bingo and Yahtzee, Thursdays at 1pm.

Because everyone is facing the pandemic together-apart, they are able to share ideas and build one another up. Cheryl Dailey says, “As we talk amongst ourselves we share ideas on diet, exercise, activities to keep us busy, etc. as well as encourage each other spiritually.”

Members of the group also stay in touch by phone, but in a lot of ways it’s just not the same. Of course being apart is challenging. Pat Suer says, “I truly miss seeing and talking to people in person. Both my wife and I are people persons and miss the hugs from the people we love.”

On the plus side, through the online format, the group is able to include members who live as far away as Texas! And as difficult as this time is, Zoom gives a way to carry each other’s burdens. As Cheryl says, “Knowing we are not alone not only physically but going through some of the emotional things together encourages us.”

We’d love to have more people join! Please contact Mary Anderson at manderson@whchurch.org if you are interested.


5 thoughts on “65+ Group Update

  1. Diane says:

    This used to be a 55+ group. Why did this change? I wanted to join.

  2. Diane says:

    This used to be a 55+ group. Why did this change? I wanted to join. Will someone please respond to me?

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Diane, Yes, we just recently changed the name to 65+ because that fit more with the age demographic of those who were attending. However, 65 is just a number and if someone is 55 and over they are welcome, too. Hope that helps!

  3. Ray Brackman says:

    I sure miss my WHC family. Especially since I am “cyber-challenged”. Love you all.

  4. Karen says:

    I was a member of the 55+ group but haven’t received any notifications. Are emails still being sent? Was I removed?

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