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Are You My Mother?

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By Paula Bowlby, Associate Early Childhood Pastor

Are You My Mother? The Dr. Seuss book has been a family favorite. The baby bird’s momma is out searching for food and baby hatches before she is back. Baby bird sets out to find its mother. The baby encounters all sorts of animals before it finally finds it way back to its mother. The baby bird always asks the question, “Are you my mother?”

In the book, the adult and children readers can see that the bird, of course, does not look like the dog, but the bird isn’t so sure; it is on a quest for its mother. The baby bird doesn’t see the dangers it is encountering by venturing off on its own. It doesn’t understand if it would just be patient and stay put, care would come. This got me to thinking. We all have mothers. Some of us are fortunate to have amazing mothers, some of us did not have such amazing mothers. Some of us look like our mothers, some of us do not. Some of us became mothers by giving birth, some of us by adoption. Some of us have lost our mothers, while some of us still have our mothers around. The common theme is that all of us, in one way or another, are shaped and effected by our mother. Whether that is positive or negative, it depends on your story. In this story, the baby bird eventually, finds its mother.

As a mom, I have tried my best to raise my kids. As a mom, I know that the saying, “mom guilt” is real. As a child, I know the importance of having a mom. As an adult child, as I write this, I wonder what mom guilt my mom felt and if our guilt is similar or different. Sometimes as mothers, I think we compare ourselves to other moms and, almost always, we don’t feel like we measure up. The thing I think we forget is the mom you are comparing yourself to is probably feeling the exact same way. Being a parent is tough stuff. Mom, Dad, step-mom, step-dad – this job is not for the faint of heart. Thank goodness we don’t have to do this alone!

Mother’s Day is Sunday. Bless a momma that you are privileged to know. This could be your momma, it could be a friend, it could be any momma or all the above. Bless her with an encouraging word, a note letting her know that you see her, and she is doing well. Of course, all the momma’s in your life love a gift, but just seeing them and encouraging them is a gift. As a single mom, one of the best gifts I was given was a friend of mine took my daughter shopping and helped her make a gift for me. This was such a blessing and made my daughter so happy. Look for the opportunities – they are most likely all around you.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms, step-moms, grandmas, and not quite moms but who are great aunties. Be blessed! You are loved and important on Mother’s Day and every day.

0 thoughts on “Are You My Mother?

  1. Alexis hancock says:

    Contact number 3148855692. Call me please i would love to hear about the volunteer openings you have

  2. Belinda A. Burkitt says:

    I want to volunteer. I’m open this week.

    1. Amanda Churchill says:

      Hello Belinda! Thanks for your interest in volunteering! If you could follow this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054ca5aa2daaf49-summer that would be the best place to go to sign up to volunteer! 🙂

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