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Ash Wednesday

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Date: February 26
Community Meal: (Soup, Salad and Bread) 6:15pm
Interactive Service: 7:00pm

Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a special time set aside each year to intentionally focus on Jesus’ life, ministry, sacrifice and resurrection. We believe it’s important to prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter. That’s why, on February 26, we’re holding an Ash Wednesday service and interactive experience for people of all ages!

We want to create space for individuals and families to come together in worship, prayer and community as we reflect on Christ’s example. For this event, we’ve created interactive stations to encourage Simplicity, Prayer and Release. There’s also a special station designed just for children.

Simplicity: Making space for fellowship with God and others.

Prayer: Sharing our concerns and celebrations with God.

Release: Surrendering anything that negatively fills our life and interferes with our relationship with Jesus and others

A devotional guidebook will be available to use that night and take home for further study. The companion version for children, which includes coloring pages and a place to get a stamp after completing each station, will be given out, as well. If you’d like to review it with your kids in preparation for the event, check it out here: ash-wed-kids-book-2020

We look forward to this time of reflection and fellowship. We hope it will be a special time for you and your family and the church as a whole. Please join us!

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole