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Bless Your Enemies Card

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Our theme for this year’s MLK celebration is “Forces of Light.” We remember that our struggle is not against other people, but against the forces of darkness, which Paul calls the “powers and principalities.” To make this practical, we’ve created an activity to bless your enemies this next month.

Download the card here

One thought on “Bless Your Enemies Card

  1. RFaith says:

    I may have stretched my ‘faith’ too far in my initial enthusiastic response to Pastor Boyd’s challenge; however, I pledge to do my best to pray for:
    Tiffany Trump
    Ivanka Trump

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"I was inspired during my recent visit to your church, and wanted to thank you for the notable work you are accomplishing in the city. Thank you for being Holy Spirit first responders to the homeless and downtrodden. May God continue to show himself strong as you represent Christ daily."

– Kathy