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Buying Bird-Friendly Coffee

Buying bird-friendly coffee is a wonderful way to protect birds’ rainforest habitat, as well as ensuring that the coffee plantations are run sustainably. Most coffee is produced in full sun where the rainforest has been razed to make room for the coffee plantation. Shade-grown coffee is produced on shrubs planted under the canopy of the rainforest trees, preserving the habitat. To find shade-grown coffee, look for the “100% Rainforest Alliance Certified” label (rainforest-alliance.org). Caribou Coffee serves 100% Rainforest Alliance-certified coffee. To find out where to buy shade-grown coffee in your corner of the world, visit the Smithsonian’s website, https://nationalzoo.si.edu/migratory-birds/where-buy-bird-friendly-coffee.

Shared by Tina on Wednesday October 5, 2022

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California