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Can’t Lose With Cultivate

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We’re rolling out a new round of Cultivate classes and hope you check them out! To find out what a Cultivate class is like, we asked instructor Paul Eddy and two of his students to share their experiences.

Paul has been teaching classes at Woodland Hill since 1998. He’s taught on a variety of topics including covenant relationships, Anabaptism, how to disagree theologically and spiritual warfare. His most recent class was, “Who, Really, Was Jesus? The Quest for the Historical Jesus.”

Paul says, “I love being able to help other Jesus followers grow in their understanding of who God is and how God’s radical agape-love is the answer to all of the world’s problems. My favorite part of the classes are the times of Q&A and dialogue, which allow me to hear and respond to the issues and questions that are on people’s minds.”

As a student, Matt appreciates the dialogue part of classes, too. “The leaders do a good job of engaging with the online audience and allowing time to discuss and ask questions. While there’s so much to learn via sermons and scripture reading, I’ve found that the class offerings provide a new outlook on a given subject.”

Andrea, another student, says, “The classes offered are like no other church would dare offer (too controversial). I always learn something and it keeps me on my feet. It exposes me to things I wouldn’t ever have been aware of otherwise. I grow spiritually which I am always grateful for.”

Cultivate is also a space to connect relationally. Paul says, “Cultivate classes provide a context in which we can grow in our understanding of the things of the Kingdom – and in a space where we can do it along with others.”

If you’re interested in joining a class, you can go to the Cultivate page here or click on a specific class below.

As Matt says, “Anyone who’s curious about their faith and wants to explore a variety of potential topics can’t lose with Cultivate.”

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole