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Echo Connections

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Echo, Woodland’s ministry for 7th-12th grade has been up and running for a little over a month and things are off to a strong start. On most weeks, about 70-80 students meet together on Zoom, but once a month they get the chance to enjoy each other in person. Those in-person nights are pretty special, so we’ve highlighted that in the photos below! As one volunteer said, “Though masks and distance make communication more difficult, it’s so nice to actually see and be with others to feel more connected.”

Pastor Danny Churchill says about the Zoom meetings, “I’m feeling really encouraged about how everyone is showing up and investing in this community. Our volunteer leaders (students and adults) are absolutely incredible and we couldn’t do this without their support.”

Another volunteer shared, “Echo in this season is different for so many reasons but our students have adapted so well to all of the changes. Doing Echo over Zoom is so different, but we are showing up and making it as fun as possible. When we have our in-person nights, it’s like seeing an old friend and picking up where we left off. Through all of this, it’s so apparent that God is with us, even online.”

This Wednesday, online Journey Groups (Echo’s small groups) will start back up, helping students find a place to belong. We’re excited to see the unique ways God works this year!

You can learn more about Echo here.

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