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Family Rituals

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There is a saying that religious faith is “caught” more than “taught,” and we all know that it’s caught in the home more than anywhere else. Here at Woodland, we want to help equip families to live out your faith today – which is why we started Family Rituals!

A powerful way to bring church into the home is to create family rituals that embody our Christian faith. We’ve started on this bold path at Woodland Hills and we hope you’ll join us!

A group of WH parents and staff have created a family meal ritual that connects parents and children to one another and to God. The parent leaders have tried it out in their homes for several months, and it’s ready for prime time at Woodland Hills!
You can learn this simple and powerful family meal ritual by coming to one of two workshops:

  • Sunday, October 16 at 3:30pm, via Zoom
  • Tuesday, October 18 at 7pm, via Zoom

Register here

We hope you’ll join us!

One thought on “Family Rituals

  1. Shannon says:

    I want to come, but I just registered. Is it too late?

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