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God Our Refuge

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Artist Featured: Hannah – Southwestern Christian High School

“My drawing is of my Dad’s hands holding mine to reflect how he protects me and our family. It also symbolizes how our heavenly Father holds us in His hands and protects us. I realized through this pandemic that I didn’t rely on God as much as I should have. It’s sad to me to think that it took a global pandemic in order for me to have full reliance and trust in Christ. My faith influences my view of the future drastically. It helps me keep things in perspective of what really matters right now. Even if at the moment it might not feel like it, nothing happens by accident. God uses moments/years like 2020 to stretch us and help us develop in our faith. In the future when I look back on this year, I know I will see how God used this year for His glory and that He had a purpose for me during this point of time.”

We are excited to host a traveling student art exhibit entitled, ​​God Our Refuge, A Safe Place in Time of Trouble. It’s on display in the Gathering Area and it consists of fourteen works of art created by high school students from across the Twin Cities. Along with the art, the students have included written statements about how they have found strength in their faith during the troubling times of the pandemic.

Art teachers selected and coached the student artists through the process; a blessing to both artist and mentor! Each student’s creativity was inspired by scripture of their choice and these guidelines for their finished pieces:

  • Mirror your relationship with Christ
  • Speak biblical truths
  • Reflect your heart through your God-given gifts
  • Bless and communicate to the world around you

The exhibit is open this Sunday and will be available until the last Sunday in August. If you’re not local, you can take a virtual tour of the exhibit here. There’s also a documentary available that shares more in-depth stories of the students’ creative processes and COVID experiences.

We are so encouraged by these young artists and their amazing faith. We hope you are too!

One thought on “God Our Refuge

  1. Maggi says:

    This was heartwarming to watch. Inspired to bring more of God into my creative expression.

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"I am a podrishioner that just wanted to say thanks for sharing Woodland Hills through podcasts and videos. This is my place to get a spiritual refill, and it’s where I get most of my teaching from. Since I've starting following you four years ago, my view on God, myself and other people has radically been changed. Thanks so much, and keep sharing the Kingdom!"

– Knut-Inge, from Norway