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Good Friday & Easter Services 2020

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Next weekend marks a momentous time for us as we reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross and beyond. In a span of three days, we will remember his painful death at Calvary, and then celebrate his triumphant return through the resurrection. Though we are familiar with honoring this special occasion together, this year church will look different.

Good Friday

Community Reflections on the Cross

Join our live-stream service on Friday, April 10 at 7pm CST as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us all. We’ll use creative storytelling, poetry, special music and art to express the heaviness and hope shared in our hearts. Along with some thoughts from Greg and worship, we’ll participate in virtual communion, something that unites us as a body – no matter the distance.


Join our live-stream on Sunday, April 12 at 10am CST as we joyfully celebrate the power of Jesus’ resurrection. Though we are apart, we will worship the one who unites us all!

Check-out our live-stream at whchurch.org/live.

7 thoughts on “Good Friday & Easter Services 2020

  1. Gene & Patty says:

    Looking forward to Easter Week to commemorate the Cross and celebration of Ressurection with WHC at a distance. Thank you for all your efforts in advance 🙏.

  2. Abeba mekuria says:

    I am great full for all you do in the house of the lord in distance which is desperately need at this time. We have to keep the faith and the hope alive to move forward with your teaching I pray that you are doing well.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Abeba,
      We are grateful for you tuning in. Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

  3. Ozzy says:

    Thanks to Greg for such a great reflection/message on Good Friday. As usual, he delivered some profound stuff.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Ozzy,
      Thanks for the words of encouragement. I’ll pass this along to Greg.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

  4. kathy dunn says:

    Thank you for the wonderful service! For the length all of you go through and what you sacrifice to continue services, especially today! Praise God, HE IS RISEN!

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Kathy,
      Thank you for tuning in. We’re so glad to have you praising God with us.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

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