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Judi’s Baptism Story

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Judi Wells is a long-time Woodland attendee—25 years in fact! For her, Woodland has been a place where she has learned that  “Jesus loves each and every one of us, and it’s our job to love like Jesus.”

Although Judi was a regular attendee, her children were not initially interested in church. “I prayed and prayed for them, and God answered my prayers. My son became good friends with a seminary student and started to attend church, and now he goes with me.”

So when her son said he wanted to be baptized, Judi decided to take the online baptism classes along with him. She had been baptized as a baby, but hadn’t really thought about being baptized as an adult. Then, after going through the classes, she said, “It made me realize I did need to be baptized.”

The day of her baptism, Judi was surrounded by her family. “It was beautiful: the music, the encouragement from everyone, and believe it or not I was finally able to quit smoking cigarettes! I had tried so so many times. He loves me so much! What a blessing!”

And, although she says her son is a man of few words, he was very happy to be baptized as well.

Are you thinking about getting baptized? “Take the class,” Judi says. “It has brought me so much closer to Jesus!”

2 thoughts on “Judi’s Baptism Story

  1. judi Wells says:

    Thanks so much, it came out perfect!

  2. Shelly says:

    I was so happy when I was baptized. I went in the water as me and I came out with the real love of the Lord. He has accepted me all of my life, I am still working on accepting myself. I am loved and I have so much love to share. Judy appears to be someone who’s experience was a blessing. I hope she has many wondrous experiences in the blessed one.

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