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Education & Discipleship

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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What are… Sojourners Missional Communities?

A space that offers the larger Woodland Hills community a smaller-scale community where we can get to know each other more deeply, meet practical needs, become Kingdom family and find support in serving those outside the church together. Read More 

Baptism Classes

On Sunday, July 16 right after the service, we’ll be holding a Summer Baptism as part of our Summer Get-Together. In preparation for this important declaration of faith, we’d like those interested to attend a series of three baptism classes. Read More 

Jesus Collective Regional Gathering

At Woodland, we often talk about a Jesus-looking God, raising up a Jesus-looking people, to change the world in a Jesus kind of way. This is one of the reasons Woodland Hills is part of the Jesus Collective: We believe in the mission to unite and equip a Jesus-centered movement! The Jesus Collective will be holding two consecutive in-person Gatherings here at Woodland, June 1 & 2. Read More 

SEM: Stacy’s Story

For years I’ve been asking myself: “How do we mature in our faith in Jesus and the Bible?” and “How do we reconcile the church of the 21st century, particularly in America, with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?” SEM has provided the nourishment I seemed to lack for decades. Read More 

Learn-a-thon 2023

As we head into our third annual Learn-a-thon, we encourage you to use our collection of resources to build your hope. Learn from the hope of the past, engage with the hope of the present, and carry that hope into future action. Read More 

Heart-formation in SEM

Woodland’s School of Everyday Mission (SEM) is a three year online discipleship school that focuses on equipping and shaping the hearts of Jesus-followers to serve others. While many of us think about school as a place of information, SEM emphasizes formation—moving what we learn from our heads to our hearts. Read More 

SEM: In Person at Last!

SEM students left their Zoom screens, and traveled to Woodland from around the world (London, La Paz, Hong Kong), around the States (Texas, Colorado, Illinois) and around the Twin Cities! Read More 

4-D Love: Ways to Get Involved

During the Panel Discussion on September 11, Rob, Shawna and Greg talked about the importance of community, and love in four dimensions (love for God, love for self, love for others and love for creation). One major way we can get love all of these things more is through community. Below is a list of the ways you can get involved here within the Woodland community! Read More 

Mondays Together Kickoff

During Mondays Together, several of our ministries will gather – while maybe forgetting the phrase, it’s only Monday?! Bring your family and friends and come join us as we fellowship and grow together! Read More 


Mondays Together

During Mondays Together, several of our ministries will gather – while maybe forgetting the phrase, it’s only Monday?! Bring your family and friends and come join us as we fellowship and grow together! Read More 

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"Your gift of the website to those of us who are unable to attend is greatly appreciated. I am disabled and home-bound now. Having your website available to me has been such a blessing."

– Renae