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Education & Discipleship

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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Children’s Resources

Antiracist Baby Ibram X. Kendri Illustrated by Ashely Lukashevsky Can I Touch Your Hair? Irene Latham & Charles Waters Illustrated by Sean Qualls & Selina Alko The Celebration Place: God’s Plan for a Delightfully Diverse Church Dorena Williamson Illustrated by Erin Bennett Banks Colorfull: Celebrating the Colors God Gave Us Dorena Williamson Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu … Read More 


Books – Deeper Dives or Specific Issues

The Cross and the Lynching Tree James H Cone (Orbis, 2011) At Canaan’s Edge Taylor Branch (Simon & Schuster, 2007) Coming of Age in Mississippi Anne Moody (Dell, 1992) Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith (Oxford UP, 2000) Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation … Read More 


Books – Good Places to Begin

Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation Latasha Morrison (WaterBrook, 2019) Becoming Brave Brenda Salter McNeil (Brazos Press, 2020) Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming our Ethnic Journey Sarah Shin (IVP, 2017) Brown Faces, White Spaces: Confronting Systemic Racism to Bring Healing and Restoration Latasha Morrison The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism Jemar Tisby … Read More 


Racism and Reconciliation Resources

The history of racial injustice can be overwhelming, but we want to be a part a future that better reflects the Kingdom of God. Change takes time, and there is much to learn and discuss – especially for those of us who are white. We’re abundantly thankful for the diversity of people who call Woodland Hills their church home. But as a predominantly white church, we want to provide resources for our people to wrestle with these issues. Read More 

Ministry Changes During Coronavirus

During this time of staying safely at home, our worship services will be streamed live each Sunday at 10am. Information on how to participate can be found here. In addition to our services, most of our ministries have also moved online… Read More 


List of all Series

Here is a list of each of our Sermon Series, broken down by year. You can select a series below to see all of the sermons within it in chronological order. 2024 Dear Church (Part 2 of The Unveiling series) Good Heavens! (Part 3 of The Unveiling series) Political Distortions The Wrath of the Lamb (Part 4 of The Unveiling … Read More 

Baptism 2019 Recap

Last weekend we had our annual All Church Baptism at Lake Phalen! It was an absolutely beautiful day, and many folks came out to either take this next step in their faith, or to celebrate and show support for their friends and loved ones who had. Here are some photos from the beach! Read More 

Seminary for Everybody

SOMA is a 9-month residential discipleship training program, whose participants engage in a communal lifestyle, serve as Jesus’ Body and share Good News with the world around us. This first batch of students have arrived! We asked Kevin Callaghan, Woodland’s Discipleship and Formation Pastor, to answer a few questions about SOMA. Read More 

Lectio Divina: “You Before Me” Homework

Lectio Divina is a way of reading the Bible that is over 1,500 years old. It means “divine reading.” It’s a simple way of slowing down enough to interact with a specific scripture passage while asking the Holy Spirit to use the reading to speak to your heart. Read More 

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole