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Ministry Changes During Coronavirus

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Click here for the most recent announcement about in-person weekend services.

During this time of staying safely at home, our worship services are being streamed live each Sunday at 10am. Information on how to participate can be found here. Most of our ministries have also moved online.

Some ministries are beginning to gather for in-person events with proper government-recommended safety precautions in place. All up-to-date ministry information can be found on each of our ministry pages, and any events can be found on our calendar!

Connect By Age

Heroes Gate

Echo (7th-12th grade)

Vessels (Ages 18-20s)

65+ Group

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Lay Counseling


Refuge Support Groups

Day Care

Food Shelf

Groups & Learning

Cultivate Classes

Gathering Groups (Sermon Discussion)

Men’s Bible Study


4 thoughts on “Ministry Changes During Coronavirus

  1. Joan says:

    Hi Church,
    I miss worshiping and listening to the sermons in person, but God is making even Covid19 a thing of beauty in that…People are getting out and walking as families in the fresh air, Children are coloring with chalk words of encouragement on streets and side walks, the weather is wonderful to do these outside activities, people are showing kindness in stores, families are drawing closer, etc. I really feel this is a Romans 8:28 season we are going through! The devil meant it for harm to us, but God is bringing good out of this time, people are making up songs with instruments at home and going viral, there is even a group called the Sofa Singers an international internet choir! That I plan on joining. And the daily walking outside is creating a new habit for those who maybe never walked before, they have more than 21 days to make it a healthy new habit!

    I had a thought for Paul Eddy, wouldn’t it be great while the world is hunkered down, and stuck at home and searching for positive answers, to have a live internet class of his Bible 101. I loved this class 2-3 years ago and learned so much! I have atheist school friends and some family members who really would learn from this class! Paul has a way of teaching that is laid back, easy to follow, and listen to, he is kind, caring about others questions etc.

    This thought just came to me while awake trying to sleep, singing the song “Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness”. And as I sang it, the thought of how God shines in the darkest of times came to my mind, then I thought about my unsaved, unbelieving friends who don’t have the peace of God to lean on during this shut down, sick, stuck home time.

    The world needs to hear about Bible 101! What really started me thinking was a negative response about the Bible on F.B. giving a number of what Greg called “twisted scripture’s” as a reason not to believe in a loving God!

    I’m praying and thanking God for how He is bringing light and encouragement, during this Covid19 virus time. I even wonder if Jesus may be returning during this time. Amen. Love you all at Woodland Hills Church and pray for you all. Stay safe and of good cheer, God is still on the throne!😉✝️💗

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Joan, thanks for your message. I will pass along your idea to Paul.
      _Paige from the Communications Team

  2. Janet says:

    We need to have one of our old fashioned BBQ parties when this is over!

    I’ve been praying into “what does God want WHC to look like when this is over?” I feel such a stirring… I don’t think we are to look the same.
    Not that we’ve been doing things “wrong” I just think God is ushering in a new season for the church at large, but also for us at WHC.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      It will be wonderful when we can all come together again, one big party! Agreed! God is at work!
      – Paige from the Communications Team

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"I am a podrishioner that just wanted to say thanks for sharing Woodland Hills through podcasts and videos. This is my place to get a spiritual refill, and it’s where I get most of my teaching from. Since I've starting following you four years ago, my view on God, myself and other people has radically been changed. Thanks so much, and keep sharing the Kingdom!"

– Knut-Inge, from Norway