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Prayer amid Political Distortions

Prior to each Sunday in our new sermon series, we invite you to pray for the sermon, and that together we can overcome the hostility and division so rampant in our world today. Read More 

New Series: Political Distortions

Our national politics are warped and distorted, dominated by polarization, hostility and division. To change our distorted politics, we first need to change our distorted perspectives, and this means adopting new heart postures and cultivating a character of love for those we disagree with. In this series, we focus on how to live out our calling and character as Kingdom people in a politically contentious world. Read More 

Summer Get-Together 2024

Join us for our third annual Summer-Get Together — it’s going to be a blast! This year it will land on the weekend of August 9, 10 and 11. Get all the details here. Read More 

Share Your Story: Elizabeth

Elizabeth stumbled upon Woodland Hills purely by accident, but that encounter brought her to Jesus. Her story reminds us that God is very creative in the way he brings us home! Read More 

Summer Blood Drive

Summer is a lower blood donation time because of vacations and the beautiful weather. Sign up and help save lives at this critical time! Read More 

Settled Homestead Festival

Our partner organization, Settled, is throwing a party and you’re invited! Settled describes their mission as “guiding churches to cultivate home in a homeless world” and their Homestead Festival is an opportunity to support that work. Read More 

Marty’s Baptism Story

With our all-church baptism coming up this summer, we asked Marty to share a bit about why he decided to be baptized at a previous Summer Get-Together. Read More 

Baptism Classes

On Sunday, August 11 right after the service, we’ll be holding a Summer Baptism as part of our Summer Get-Together. In preparation for this important declaration of faith, we’d like those interested to attend a series of three baptism classes. Read More 

At the Intersection of Faith and Art

Woodland’s Arts Group brings together artists of all kinds, expressing beauty and truth through a variety of media. Pam, Dave and Kay Lee are all art group members, and we asked them to sum up how they think about the intersection of faith and art. Read More 

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"Woodland Hills is breaking chains for believers and shattering walls for non-believers. Truly an amazing church to be a part of."

– Ellie