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With a Grateful Heart 2024

Our annual Grateful Heart event is coming up on Friday, November 15, and we’d love to invite you! This will be a time to come together and reflect on what we’re thankful for through worship, connection and art. Read More 

Election Eve: Keeping Perspective

As we approach the November election, it can be easy to lose perspective. On Monday, November 4 at 7pm we will hold a special “Election Eve” service about keeping our eyes fixed on King Jesus and his Kingdom, no matter the outcome of the election. Read More 

Making Memories at the Movies

Do you remember your first movie in a theater—the smell of the popcorn and the awe of the big screen? Well, a bunch of kids just had that first movie theater experience watching Cars 2 during family movie night at the Plaza.  Read More 

Finding Home

Homelessness among families is a complex, multi-faceted problem, and our partner organization, Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS), is going above and beyond to face this challenge. Read More 

Grateful Heart 2024: Call for Art

Our annual Grateful Heart event is just around the corner (Fri, Nov 15)! We gather as a church every year for good food and good company, and to be reminded of all we have to be grateful for. But what first comes to mind when you hear the word gratitude? Maybe your mind’s eye sees flowers, trees, and green everywhere … Read More 

Fall Kickoff 2024

Fall is just around the corner! The days are getting cooler, the trees a little more colorful, and church ministries are kicking off again! Take a look and get involved in some of what we have going on. Read More 

Our Rain Garden is Here!

If you happen to be on Apollo 13, “We’ve got a problem…” is not a phrase you want to hear. Same goes if you’re tearing up a giant chunk of parking lot for a rain garden. But recently our rain garden project came to a halt when our contractor said that exact thing. Read More 

Sermon Discussion Group

During our new subseries on Revelation, we’re hosting a Breakfast Club Sermon Discussion Group, each Sunday before the service. Join us! Read More 

New Series: The Wrath of the Lamb

Revelation 6 introduces us to the infamous four horsemen of the apocalypse. Their arrival exposes the truth about evil, which God responds to with his redemptive judgment. Talking about the judgment of God may leave us squirming in our seats, but God’s judgment is what brings justice and what sets the world right. Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska