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Spring Fling Dance

Spring, our fickle friend. You bring sunshine and rain, warmth and then a cool down, snow and melting. You are welcomed and loathed all at the same time. We welcome you and your warmth and the hope of summer that you bring. We loath that March is often the snowiest month of the year, and we are very sick of … Read More 

Wired for Relationships Recap

On Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4, Woodland held a seminar devoted entirely to relationships. Think all relationships, not just the romantic, marriage kind. Relationships with Jesus, friends, neighbors, and family. Teaching pastor, Paul Eddy, and psychologist, Annie Perdue-Olson, took to the floor and guided participants to think about the things we often assume when in relationship with another. … Read More 

Miracles in Costa Rica

The Holy Spirit is working miracles all around us every day, every moment. Yet, it can be easy to lose faith when we aren’t experiencing those miracles in our own lives. For this reason, we testify, sharing the story of how God does show up so that we may be encouraged and our faith can be restored. Every year we … Read More 

Heroes Gate March Preview Pack

Here’s a look ahead to what we’ll be learning in Heroes Gate this March: March 4: Toddlers-4th Grade will hear Jesus gave us an example of how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer and learn that praying is talking and listening to God (Matthew 6:9-13).  Club 56 kids will talk about the question: What’s an offering? March 11: Toddlers-4th Grade … Read More 

Project Home

“No one wakes up and aspires to be homeless one day,” says Mary Anderson, one of the Care pastors here at Woodland. “We never know why or how people end up in the shelter, sometimes a single event is enough to cause it.” In October 2017, the Pioneer Press reported that Ramsey County has seen a 22 percent spike in … Read More 

Love Makes Cents 2018

By Teresa Sayles, Children’s Creative Arts Director For a number of years, the kids of Woodland Hills have taken the month of February to raise money to help kids in need around the world.  In the past, they’ve provided building materials for a bridge for kids in Haiti, bedding, pillows, mattresses, and bikes for kids in Mexico, solar panels for … Read More 


When we’re confident, we say we’re sure. When we sort of agree we say, “Yeah… sure.” When faced with the various worldviews and opinions in our society about spirituality and faith, many people say, “Sure. If it works for you, that’s great.”  But Jesus says he’s the only Truth. How can we hold that conviction in our culture of tolerance? How can we navigate the maze of truth with humility and confidence? Join … Read More 

WH Women

We believe God has something in store for the women of Woodland Hills. On Friday, February 23rd we are hosting a different kind of women’s event, WH Women: Kingdom Connections. The world gives us the perception that women just don’t get along. This event desires to break down those walls and provide an open space for WH women to encourage … Read More 

Be Our Guest

By Paula Bowlby, Associate Early Childhood Pastor For the past 10 years, Woodland Hills has been hosting families who find themselves without shelter in partnership with the organization Project Home. This year we will have Project Home guests the month of March and April. We are looking for volunteers for the various volunteer shifts and slots. Project Home provides a … Read More 

Superbowl Warm Welcome

Back in January, Mary Anderson, one of our Associate Care Pastors, came across an article in the Pioneer Press about how the Super Bowl would be impacting some homeless individuals and families. Typically, when shelter space runs out for those seeking temporary housing, the county has a certain number of hotel rooms they can host them in while they make … Read More 

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska