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Operation Joy 2018

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Operation Joy is an opportunity to provide Christmas gifts to families who are struggling this year from within the Woodland Hills Church community. Recipients include WH attendees, The Refuge, The LIFT, Close to My Heart (Preschool), Voice in the Wilderness, and other ministries! Over the past 15 years, individuals, families, small groups, businesses, and staff have provided thousands of gifts.

Each ornament on the Operation Joy Christmas trees (located in the entry hall of Heroes Gate) represent gift suggestions for an adult or child in need.  Mitten ornaments represent a needed gift, such as clothes, teddy bear ornaments represent a fun gift, like a toy, and red circles represent a Cub gift card for a family to use towards a holiday meal together.

Once you’ve chosen an ornament, fill out a slot on the clipboard next to the display letting us know about your choice.  Then go shopping for a new gift in the range of $25-$30.  Put the gift in a gift bag, attach the original ornament, and drop off at the display or the Heroes Gate check-in desk before Sunday, December 16th.

This is a great opportunity for all of us to share God’s love in a practical way.   Everyone can participate in the process of choosing an ornament, purchasing a gift, putting it in the gift bag, and dropping it off, so the whole family is doing ministry together!

For more information about Operation Joy, contact Patrick at 651-287-2050 or pshowers@whchurch.org.

7 thoughts on “Operation Joy 2018

  1. Kim says:

    I am in need of assistance this Christmas. Can you tell me how to register my sons for gifts?

    Thank you.

    1. Sarah Cassin says:

      Hi Kim,
      I’ve passed this on to Patrick (pshowers@whchurch.org), who is in charge of Operation Joy. He should be getting back to you, otherwise you can get in touch with him for more info about it. Thank you!

  2. Annette Bibeau says:

    Woodland Hills: I am in need for Christmas gift cards for myself, and 1 boy and 4 girls. I lost my daughter recently and I want to help the children. also, I just had Heart surgery recently and could use the help. I also may need someone to deliver as I am still in pain with the incision. Please respond and tell me what I need. the children do not live with me. I am their Grandma, I do have their Birthdates though.
    Thanks for your time and understanding….I live down the street on Beebe Rd. ….if that helps……weather has been unpredictable lately…….thanks

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Hey Annette,
      Thanks for letting us know. I recently sent you an email with a response about Christmas gift cards.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

  3. Kenterial says:

    In desperate need of Christmas gifts for my children anything would help boy 15
    Boy 6
    Twin girls 3
    Please and thank you.

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Kenterial,
      For help with Christmas gifts, please contact Mary at manderson@whchurch.org.
      -Emily from the Communications Team

  4. Kenterial says:

    Thank you

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