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Operation Joy 2020

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Operation Joy is an annual tradition at Woodland to provide gifts to families in need during the Christmas season. Over the past sixteen years, our beloved community has provided thousands of gifts to kids and parents who are connected to our partner organizations, and in our church community!

Typically, Heroes Gate (Woodland’s children’s ministry) sets up Christmas trees in the building, decorated with ornaments that detail the gifts needed for each child. Then individuals and families take the ornaments home and get busy gifting.

With COVID still a factor to plan around, we knew this year would be different, but we didn’t want that to stop us from blessing others. So, we put our hearts together with WH’s benevolence ministry, Close to my Heart Daycare, and The Lift to provide gifts for families and their children.

“The generosity of WH families has continued to amaze me, even after 19 years of being a part of this! In spite of all that’s going on, people have stepped up to bless others. ” – Patrick Showers, Associate Children’s Pastor

With your participation, we were able to raise $2,470, which will bless 65 kids and adults! Thank you for taking this opportunity to share God’s love in such a practical way this Christmas season. You’ve been a great source of joy to others.

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

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