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Park & Praise

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This event is full! 

Park & Praise
Date: Saturday, September 26
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Location: WH Parking Lot
Free Admission

It’s been awhile since we last met together as a church body, and we want to change that. This month, we’re planning an all-church outdoor family worship event, and you’re invited!

Created as a way to reimagine worship during a time of social distancing, Park & Praise brings us together as a church body safely and responsibly. This is a family-friendly event that includes songs and activities for kids too!

How It Works
– Register your family/friend group for free here. Limited spaces available.
– Park in the Plaza parking lot. (We’ll have parking attendants to help guide you)
– Enjoy the event from your own assigned worship space. Our ushers will lead you there. You can bring your own chairs and snacks too!

Safety First
Safety is our top priority, so we can enjoy the benefits of being together without potentially compromising anyone’s health.

All WH staff will be wearing masks. Family and friend groups will be encouraged to wear masks when walking to and from their worship spaces and the restroom. If you do not have a mask, we’ll be happy to provide you with one.

We will have hand sanitizer available at our Welcome Table, as well as at our Sanitation Stations. Restrooms will be available during the event, equipped with sinks for hand washing. Cleaning staff will also be sanitizing high-touch areas before, during and after the event.

Worship Spaces
Your assigned worship space will allow you to enjoy the event while social distancing. Please be thoughtful of those around you and stay within in your assigned space. Let’s help keep each other healthy.

After much time apart, we’re excited to finally come together to worship. We know how important it is to stay connected and encouraged during these difficult times. We hope you’ll join us for this special event.

7 thoughts on “Park & Praise

  1. Roxanne says:

    Could we add one more person (possibly)?
    #612 594 9528
    I understand if this isn’t possible.

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Roxanne, If you got my last comment, please disregard! You can bring another person as long as you show up together at the Welcome Desk. If you drive separately, you will need to check in together. See you there!
      —Emily from the Communications Team

  2. Amy Ames says:

    Looking forward to praising God together !!!

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      We are excited too!
      – Paige from the Communications Team

  3. Gary says:

    I know the event is full, but if a sport opens up please let me know.
    Thank you!!

  4. Jeanine says:

    I can’t find my confirmation to print for tonight…help!!!!

  5. Peg says:

    We are very sorry to have to cancel our registration for 6 for Park and Praise. We hope you are able to find others who can join this!

    Peg R.

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