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Plastic Bag Challenge

Challenge yourself to never again take a plastic bag when shopping or getting groceries! It’s really not hard! Here are some tips that help me:

*Keep a handful of dedicated reusable bags near your front door to grab on your way out, and better yet — leave a couple in your car!

*Shopping at Aldi really gets folks used to this, as you have to either bring your own bag or purchase a (reusable) one from them. (Bonus: Aldi doesn’t always have the widest selection, but they do have most of the basics and at great prices — why spend more on big name brands? 😉 )

*Remind cashiers ahead of time that you don’t need a bag, especially if…
*If you run to a store for just a few things — do you even need a reusable bag? Just carry it to your car! 🙂

*Consolidate items to a bag within your car if you are doing multiple stops.

*Remember that some stores (Target!) give you 5 cents off per bag you bring yourself.

*Take a look at the roadsides as you drive… how many plastic bags can you count in the trees? Remember this when you take a plastic bag…

*Also remember plastic bags take some-hundreds of years to “break down”, at which point they become microplastics that continue to pollute the environment.

Shared by Sarah on Wednesday February 22, 2023

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