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Podrishioner Profile: Eric and Terri

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by Paige Slighter

Eric and Terri’s connection with Woodland Hills began as they searched for answers with their agnostic son. He was raised in a Christian home and studied at a Christian university, but he saw drastic inconsistencies that troubled him. Terri remembers, “His journey and quest for answers caused my husband and myself to grow in our faith. Today we are eternally grateful that he began asking questions.”

At first, Eric and Terri minimized what was going on with their son, thinking he would get over it soon. When he continued to ask deep and searching questions, they realized they didn’t have the answers. They finally found part of what they were looking for when they came across Greg’s Cross Vision book, which reframes the troubling violence of the Old Testament and shows how all of scripture points to God’s self-sacrificial love in Jesus. They said, “We experienced ‘aha’ moments through tears and began to lay our past answers before the Lord and remain pliable and teachable. We confessed our sin of certainty and the Lord returned to us hearts of trust. Today we are still learning.”

Reading Cross Vision eventually led them to Woodland’s sermons on YouTube. Eric and Terri became podcast Sustainers this year. Eric says, “Besides the Bible, Cross Vision has made the biggest impact on my faith to date.” He was able to share what he had learned with his adult Sunday school class and many people were very appreciative. They thanked him and told him how beneficial it was to their own faith journey. Terri says, “They had never given themselves permission to ask about the inconsistencies of the Old Testament God. Woodland’s ministry ripples in Springfield, Illinois.”

Though they would love to report that their son has put his faith in Jesus, they are still praying that he will: “We are trusting the One who never leaves the one behind.”

Are you a podrishioner with a story about how you got connected to Woodland? We’d love to hear from you! Just shoot an email to info@whchurch.org.

One thought on “Podrishioner Profile: Eric and Terri

  1. Janet says:

    I’ll pray for your son!

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