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Podrishioner Profile: Matt & Christina

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“My wife and I have watched each week since the livestream started and we love it!”

Matt and Christina are podrishioners in Dallas, Texas. Matt first became acquainted with Woodland Hills when he heard Greg discuss American politics on a YouTube debate. Prior to COVID-19, Matt had been listening to WH podcasts and sharing them with his wife. Now they enjoy viewing the livestream together, especially the occasional Q&As.

Before finding Woodland, they struggled to find a church home, “even though they’re on every block in Dallas,” says Matt. A lot of churches they found were pushing some sort of political agenda. In the past few years, Matt has become concerned with the frequent marriage between politics and Christianity. He says that Greg’s teachings on the Kingdom of God versus the kingdoms of this world have helped him navigate this politically-charged world. He was so thankful to find likeminded people at Woodland. As he continues to learn, Matt has been sharing new insights with a number of friends and acquaintances, which has opened up genuine conversations and opportunities for him to share the Gospel. He says, “Woodland Hills Church has greatly shaped my way of thinking, and has, in turn, helped shape these friends of mine.”

It’s not a huge surprise that Matt is so vocal about his faith because he’s currently finishing his Master of Divinity and hopes to pastor a house-style church in the future. Here’s his advice to others who want to share what they’ve learned, even if it’s not the popular opinion: “Try to remain at peace and continue to love others who do not share your same views. Just pray that the Spirit would lead them. It’s almost completely an entire mindset overhaul, so this can take some time. Never act like you have it all figured out either. Remain humble and ask the Lord to show you your own blind spots (because we all have them). Just ask the Lord to give you wisdom on when to speak and when not to.”

Through this pandemic Matt is comforted knowing Jesus is with him. He says, “Jesus is never shocked by the evil in the world, yet he is near those who are. Jesus suffered as a human, so no matter what I face in this life, I know that he understands me. Thus, I can face my own daily cross with confidence.”

We are encouraged by these uplifting words and we’re so grateful Matt and Christina are part of our community of podrishioners. Our congratulations and prayers are with them as they expect their first child, a baby girl, in July!

Got a story about how you got connected to Woodland? We’d love to hear from you! Just shoot an email to info@whchurch.org.

3 thoughts on “Podrishioner Profile: Matt & Christina

  1. Tim says:

    Matt and Christina,
    I wanted to say hi. My name is Tim and I live in Canton, TX. I first came across one of Greg’s chapters of God At War when I was working on a Missions Perspectives book in TDC about 2007. I had a lot of questions about God’s Sovereignty because I was locked up for something I didn’t do. I felt like I had been beaten up by the neighborhood bully and my father just stood there and watched it all. Greg helped me make sense of it all. I have read most of his books and have listened to most of the WHC messages in the last 5 years. Good to meet fellow Texans on the same trail. I hope they share this message with you.

  2. Matt says:

    Hi Tim,

    Quite a testimony. Thanks for sharing! Great to meet you on here! You’re not too far away either!

  3. Tim says:

    Whenever you are ready to start a home church I hope you are able to get a hold of me. You never know how things work out. 903 910 9537 Cell


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"My almost-three-year-old asks every day if we can go to church. Thank you, Woodland Hills, and all the Heroes Gate volunteers for creating such a great environment for kids. My husband and I met at WH six years ago and now our son counts down the days until we get to go again. My heart could burst."

– Lindsey