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SEM Celebrates First Graduating Class

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Woodland’s School of Everyday Mission (SEM) is a three year online discipleship program forming students in Jesus’ character in order to go out and serve the world. This May, our first class of SEM students graduated!

At a celebration and commissioning ceremony, each of the nine graduates reflected on what this “seminary for everybody” has meant to them. Here are three excerpts about SEM’s impact.

Carol (Alabama)

Over the last three years, I learned a lot as we studied Kingdom worldview, theology and apologetics. I can also see the transformative growth and healing God accomplished in my heart and mind. I feel like I have a firmer foundation to stand on and a firmer grasp of truth that gives me what I need to fight. My heart feels warm and at peace and I can more readily accept the amazing love and worth God has bestowed on all of us.

Vinnie (Minnesota)

I was able to watch three committed disciples of Jesus (Kevin Callaghan, Paul Eddy, Greg Boyd) talk about controversial doctrine and exegesis, retain their own unique idiosyncrasies without devaluing the others, yet still walk in perfect unity with each other. This highlight has perhaps been the most life changing for me personally and for my ministry; I’m a whole different person when it comes to expressing my faith. I have learned how to minister and defend my theological practices in a way that loves, respects and does not alienate the other person.

Pamela (La Paz, Bolivia)

This program helped me tremendously. I was in a place where I was willing to wrestle with my faith and challenge my previous beliefs – which I did. I learned so much. Every book, every teaching, every discussion helped me to shape a life centered in Jesus. All that matters is him and him crucified! SEM has been a safe place for me, a place where I found community, a community that is far away, with people who speak a different language, but who have been the closest to me.

Congrats to our grads!

If you are interested in enrolling in SEM, learn more here.

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