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Communion in the Wilderness

• Greg Boyd

At the Passover meal just before Jesus was killed he instituted the practice of communion. When we take communion, we do so in the time between the initial experience of our faith and the final fulfillment of our unity with God and each other. This space “in-between” is like the wilderness the Jews experienced after leaving Egypt but before entering the promised land. wh-bug

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Topics: Communion, Joy, Pain & Suffering

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2 thoughts on “Communion in the Wilderness

  1. Anne Scott says:

    Thanks so much for your message, Communion in the Wilderness.
    Nine months ago i moved to Nevada in a “last ditch” effort to reconcile with my adult son (he is 50) after years of alienation from him.
    I had been sent out to my church in Colorado, blessed and many promises were spoken that my “desert” would bloom in this season.
    Since then, apart from a few e-mails, I have not seen him though he lives less than an hour away.
    This past month, after much prayer I felt the Lord suggest that I should takecommunion each evening before I retire…not as any kind of formula, or action to break through, but as an act of obediencein communion with him.
    Then, earlier this week I understood that I was to surrender all of it to the Lord and to go to the mountain and “build an altar” of reliquishment.
    This evening, I came on line to watch WHC and immediately was drawn to the title of your message…I am so blessed by your honest and open remarks about the living in the valley of disappointment and then by the example of humility and transparency of your friend Scott
    What I have learned this month is the value of communion with the Savior in these deep places of grief. Hopefully, I will be able to grow in grace through this process as is so evident in your friend and in the wisdom of your message.
    anne scott
    reno, nevada

  2. kevin says:

    The statement, “Jesus Instituted the practice of communion”, has always bugged me. The way the ‘meal’ was done in the early church, i strongly suspect, looked very much different than does the ‘grape juice and cracker’ religious ceremony we practice in our churches.

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California