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Creation Confusion

• David Morrow

In our fifth and final installment of the Priest and Physicist Walk in to a Bar series, we examine how to frame the Genesis creation story with what we know about our history and the cosmos. Specifically, we examine the difference between dogma, doctrine, and opinion and where questions like “how God created” and “when did God create” fit in to that framework. As has been the theme for the whole series, we explore how faith can go beyond reason, but not against reason. wh-bug

Show Extended Summary

Topics: Controversial Issues, Creation, Defense of Christian Faith

Sermon Series: A Priest and a Physicist Walk Into a Bar…

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Audio File
Study guide
Mythology Video Pre-Sermon (0:34-1:59)
Mythology Video used IN Sermon (8:14-11:16)

Focus Scripture:

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14 thoughts on “Creation Confusion

  1. Kevin says:

    Where is the link to the video clip that David mentioned? He said it was on the website and I can’t find it anywhere. Maybe you guys could start putting those links here?

    1. Sarah Cassin says:

      Hi Kevin –
      Both the video David used before his Sermon, and the video he mentions within the Sermon, are now linked on this page. If you scroll up just under “Downloads” they’ll be there! Sorry it took us a little bit to get them up. Thanks for your patience!

      1. Kevin says:

        Awesome; thanks Sarah!

  2. Mike says:

    So, if the purpose of Genesis 1 is just to make it clear that there is one God who created everything, then why make up a fictional story to explain how He went about it, and in what order He did it, and how long it took Him?

    1. Christopher says:

      Genesis is a fictional story. ‘Nough said

  3. Jerry says:

    I really enjoyed Dave’s sermon

    I’ve been a John Walton setting up a cosmic temple fan.
    Liked to two flicks. Thanks for the links: Found the playlist and put this link out on page 7 of my link stuff below: Watch Crash Course World Mythology 42 videos

    I came out from the Gap Theory.

    I decided to dig into: the Framework Interpretation sees the six creative days dividing easily into two parallel sets of three, that is, two triads. The first triad, Days One, Two, and Three, deals with the creation kingdoms or realms. The second, Days Four, Five, and Six, deals with the creature kings or rulers. On the seventh day the Creator King, God, is in heaven resting over them. Sounds pretty much like a two tier temple.

    I summarized Walton on the cosmic temple so you can compare the two.

    I found nine views all together and summarized them all.

    I found some very interesting stuff on Emerging Scholars Blog and summarized that stuff too plus I put 16 links to different articles, they had, so you can read. John Polkinghorne contributed to a few of them.

    Link: https://www.scribd.com/document/399524340/#page=379

  4. Katie says:

    Thank you for this sermon! We are “podrishoners” living in El Salvador. Years ago, we served in the Peace Corps here and we returned last year to work with an organization that serves orphaned and vulnerable children, leaving family, good jobs, a “comfortable” life behind. Last month, the subject of creation came up with founders of the organization and they shared their conviction that a 6 day young earth literal creation account is central and fundamental to the Christian faith. Although we both grew up in a tradition that viewed things that way, we now hold a more Woodland Hills position that the how and when of creation is peripheral and we don’t tend to read Genesis 1 that way. Unfortunately, the founders felt that because we couldn’t affirm their interpretation as the only “Biblical” one, we could no longer work with them. This was rather perplexing and disorienting, but God has been so faithful and has opened up so many opportunities in this past month to share His love. We are so grateful to be a part of the kingdom!

  5. Ken says:

    You can’t mix truth with a lie. It is like mixing oil and water. I got an idea, why don’t you teach the Bible as it is written and not your misguide error into. It. The Bible is plain that God created in six 24 hour days. By the way it does say how He did it, He spoke it into existence with out the help of Darwin.Ken

    1. Kevin says:

      it’s not that plain to many of us. the bible’s not designed to be read literally. to each their own i guess. i like that greg doesn’t get up on his high horse and teach his views. we won’t know all the answers to these debates till we’re in heaven and then it won’t matter!

  6. Chris says:

    The Bible never mentions how many hours in a day actually. Who came up with 24 hours? Oh yeah, human beings, just like they came up with the Bible, and just like they came up with a deity

    1. Jason says:

      Hi. Great presentation! The Study Guide link doesn’t seem to work for me – all I get is a blank web page. Help would be greatly appreciated.

      1. Emily Morrison says:

        Hi Jason,
        We’ve double-checked the link, and one thing you might try is using a different web-browser. Let us know if you continue to have problems!

        1. Jason says:

          Hello Emily, I tried clearing my browser history yesterday and then it worked. Thanks for the reply.

  7. Jason says:

    Hi Chris. I think many people refer to the Ten Commandments, specifically the Sabbath day as a reference to 7 literal days of creation. See Exodus 20:10 and 11.

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