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Did Jesus Need a Campaign Manager?

• Bill Doherty, Greg Boyd

This sermon is a conversation between Bill Doherty and Greg Boyd, where they talk about the relationship between the Kingdom of God and how the kingdoms of this world work, applying it to the present election season.

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In the opening of this sermon, Bill Doherty and Greg Boyd perform a skit. In it, they play followers of Jesus from the first century, where one is offering advice about how Jesus could have a greater ministry impact. An anonymous disciple of Jesus is sharing with John, Jesus’ favorite disciple, asking him to pass on his advice to Jesus. The advice includes having an impactful ministry launch, how to get the word out, and how to include the power players in Jesus’ message. At the end of the skit, it becomes clear that the one giving the advice is Judas Iscariot, the one who eventually betrayed Jesus.

Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. As followers of Jesus, we are part of a strange kingdom that does not fit with the powers that dominate the culture. We are called to trust the power of the cross, the power of self-sacrificial love and humility. This is the power that will change the world.

In the kingdoms of this world, it is “us” versus “them.” In God’s kingdom, there is an us without a them. There is no team right-and-righteous that is opposed against team wrong-and-wicked. In this kingdom, we are all sinners who are saved by grace, which gives us power not to judge others. In the kingdoms of this world, there is ambition to ascend, to rise above others, to make a name for ourselves. It is a pursuit of power-over others. In God’s kingdom, we consider others more important than ourselves; we descend. It is a power-under others, where we wash the feet of others.

Greg and Bill end the conversation with four practical points:

  • Be vigilant. Don’t get caught up in your political side’s victory or defeat.
  • Be vigilant. Is it about me or the mission?
  • Be vigilant. Is it about control or service?
  • Be vigilant. Deflect glory.
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Topics: Kingdom of God, Politics, Power

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6 thoughts on “Did Jesus Need a Campaign Manager?

  1. John says:

    Can’t access the sermon

  2. Teresa says:

    Can open the sermon 🙁

  3. Dan says:

    Link will be updated here soon. For now you can watch it on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nEyrvlGfRJw

  4. John says:

    Ok now it works, thanks

  5. rhonda says:

    The Bride making herself ready that beautiful worship is, and here is also her Groom xoxoxo

  6. Sarah says:

    How quick will y’all respond to the election results, especially since how fast the announcement was?


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