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Feel Goodism

• Greg Boyd

The idea that what you think largely determines your behavior is in fact a Biblical concept. The modern self-esteem movement teaches this also, but not in a Biblical context.

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The idea that what you think largely determines your behavior is in fact a Biblical concept. The modern self-esteem movement teaches this also, but not in a Biblical context.
This movement denies the reality of sin, and it ignores the reality of salvation. It seeks to have people get comfortable in their sin, or to deny their sin as being wrong. But it also denies the fact that real worth is available to us through Christ. Rather, it tries to conjure up self-worth by wishful thinking.
The Bible tells us that the basic problem of humanity is sin. Low self-esteem, rather than being the root of our problems, is a result of our sinful condition.
Sin is a reality, but for the believer, it is not the final reality. When you believe, God changes your reality. When God speaks, He creates reality. In the beginning, He spoke light and there was light. He spoke cows, and there were cows, and so on. When God says that we have worth, it becomes reality. If God says that we are the apple of His eye, then it is true.

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