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Getting Under God’s Skin

• Greg Boyd

We kick off our new “You Before Me” series with a look at hospitality as the essence of God —  Making space in your life to love and welcome a stranger. wh-bug

Show Extended Summary

Topics: Community, Generosity, Hospitality, Justice, Nationalism

Sermon Series: You Before Me

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7 thoughts on “Getting Under God’s Skin

  1. kevin says:

    ‘All hostility HAS been put to death’ – ‘our job, as kingdom people, is to manifest that.’ – ‘put God’s eternal hospitality on display’ – ‘it’s ALREADY TRUE and it’s our job to put it on display for a world that does not yet acknowledge that’

    I grew up under(and came out of) the faith movement so i have difficulties with the ‘fake it till you make it’ mindset. My mom recently tells me that her healing has already been accomplished and she tries to act like she’s already healed. It’s very hard to reconcile

    1. Erik says:

      Perhaps it will be comforting to you to know that this is not what Greg intends, and indeed the sermon “Magical Faith” (http://whchurch.org/sermon/magical-faith/) deals explicitly with this topic—unless I remember incorrectly, Greg has also spoken out against this view before. That said, I can understand how the quotes you raise can be interpreted as prescribing a sort of “magical faith”; when I listened to the sermon myself (although that was a while ago now), my immediate interpretation was more along the lines of the following paraphrases:

      “All NEED for hostility HAS been put to death.”—”As kingdom people, we should seek to make this true in our lives.”—”Live by the grace of God, walk with the Spirit.”—”In God, we have no need to separate ourselves from any other, and as His disciples, we should seek to break down the barriers that are a part of the fallen world.”

      The difference between “magical faith” is that this truth is an internal truth, and it is a part of our discipleships to draw closer to God and so find this internal truth. This is just my interpretation, as a fellow Christian, and not necessarily the official interpretation. God bless!

      1. kevin says:

        That’s helpful bro; thank you for that.

  2. Paul says:

    Is there any way to get that Bible reading plan that Greg mentioned during the serman?

    1. Charley Swanson says:

      Hey Paul — we’ve added it above in the Downloads part of the page. Or, here’s a link:


      Hope it’s helpful!

      1. Paul says:

        Thanks Charley!

  3. Melody says:

    I’ve been wrestling with how the evangelical community has and have treated the LBGTQ community. This sermon puts into words what we’ve messsed up so badly as Christians in the USA. We’ve thrown Gods hospitality out the window when it comes to someone “not following the rules.” How would recommend we demonstratively change this within our own communities? I’m just curious to your thoughts and perceptions. #youbeforeme

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