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Honest to God

• Greg Boyd

In order to be in a relationship with another, we have to be honest with the other person. The same is true for our relationship with God. In this sermon, Greg shows how we need to be honest with God in our prayer. wh-bug

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Topics: Fear, Prayer, Relationships

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6 thoughts on “Honest to God

  1. kevin says:

    This one hit me where i live; thanks WH for being real with us. It helps my ability to learn when i see behaviour exemplified as with your personal stories; the dog clip was a wonderful model.
    I was somewhat miffed when you took out the clip from the Apostle movie. What’s up with that? Couldn’t y’all simply use the youtube link and use that on this recording? I guess not or you would have. here’s the link to anyone here who hasn’t seen the movie and would like to see the omitted clip. People share links like this all the time so i’m guessing leaving it here is okay.


  2. Very nice. Very real. Very honest.

  3. Jeff says:

    Honesty Greg, is your sermons to us, teaching us to be honest to God. Man, I would like to share a beer with you and be honest with you too!
    A “podrishner” I like that:)

  4. Michelle says:

    Greg, you get it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Marian (Slovakia) says:

    This is so great! My wife and I have been feeding on Greg’s sermons for years… Thank you so much for providing them for the world out there – they’ve been such a blessing for us over the years. Thank you once again and may God continually bless you in your ministry!!!

  6. Hal says:

    The video stops working after playing around 4–5 minutes.

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